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FullCalendar 5 - How to add Font Awesome icons to an Event title


I am trying to add Font Awesome icons to an Event in FullCalendar 5. I have tried using css:

     window.FontAwesomeConfig = {
        searchPseudoElements: true

I found the above while searching for answers and os placed before the

<style type="text/css">

The css:

.cssItalic {
    font-family: "Font Awesome\ 5 Free" !important;
    content: "\f55e" !important;
    font-style: italic;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-decoration: underline !important;
    text-decoration-thickness: 5px !important;
    text-decoration-color: white !important;

This does not add the icon; however, the rest works (e.g., italicised, bolded, underlined). I Have also tried font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free" !important; and font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Pro" !important;.

I have also tried eventDidMount:

eventDidMount: function(event, element) {
    element.find(".fc-title").prepend("<i class='fa fa-bus-alt'></i>");

However, I get a console error on the element. Note: I can not get eventRender to work in FullCalendar 5.

I have been working on this and I think I may be a bit closer with:

eventDidMount: function(info) {
    ("info.event.title").prepend("<i class='fa fa-bus-alt'></i>");

The console.log displays the first title. However, I then get a console log error of:

Uncaught TypeError: "info.event.title".append is not a function

I have also tried without the quotes (same error):

(info.event.title).prepend("<i class='fa fa-bus-alt'></i>");

Ben Souchet has come up with these solutions:

eventDidMount: function(event, element) {
    element.find(".fc-title").prepend("<i class='fa fa-bus-alt'></i>");

This displays the tag (i.e., not the icon) at the start (i.e., before the time):

<i class='fa fa-bus-alt'></i>

Ben also provided:

eventDidMount: function(info) {
    $(info.el   ' .fc-event-title').prepend("<i class='fa fa-bus-alt'></i>");

This solution displays a different number of multiple icons between the time and title in month, week and day view (see attached images) and an error in list view. The error is:

Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [object HTMLTableRowElement].fc-event-title

Month view

Week view

Day view

Based on Ben Souchet's answer I can up with:

eventDidMount: function(info) {
    $(info.el).find('.fc-event-title').prepend("<i class='fa fa-bus-alt' data-toggle='tooltip' title='Test'></i>");

And my final answer reading in the icon from server side is:

eventDidMount: function(info) {
    var icon = info.event.extendedProps.icon;
    if (info.event.extendedProps.icon) {
        $(info.el).find('.fc-event-title').prepend("<i class='fa fa-" icon "' data-toggle='tooltip' title='Test'></i>");

CodePudding user response:

I have no experience with fullcalendar but I think you are very close with the eventDidMount.

Updated answer:

eventDidMount: function(event, element) {
  // Create the icon
  let icon = document.createElement("i");
  icon.classList.add('fa', 'fa-bus-alt');
  // Add icon before the title

See also the last section of @Glyn post to see what he ended up using to display the icon :)

Previous answer:

eventDidMount: function(info) {
    info.el.prepend("<i class='fa fa-bus-alt'></i>");

In the documentation it's indicated that el is the DOM element so in your case you need to prepand to this element.

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