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C# Delegate from VB.NET


I have a legacy solution which has some C# projects (newest ones) and some VB projects (oldest ones). I know it is not a good practice, but it is what I have now, so I have to deal with it.

In a C# project I have some code like this:

public class MyObjectClass 
    ... more code here ...
    public delegate void SelectedItemChange(IMyInterface oldItem, IMyInterface newItem);
    public virtual SelectedItemChange SelectedItemChanged { get; set; }

And this works like a charm when I use it from another C# project this way:

public class MySecondaryClass
    ... more code here ...
    MyObjectClass MyObject = new();
    MyObject.SelectedItemChanged  = (sender, args) => { DoSomething(); };

So far, so good. The problem is when I have to use the same delegate from a VB.NET project. I have tried this:

Public Class MySecondaryClassVB
   ... more code here ...
   Dim MyObject as MyObjectClass = New MyObjectClass()
   AddHandler MyObject.SelectedItemChanged, Sub(sender As Object, args As EventArgs)
                                            End Sub
End Class

But SelectedItemChanged appears in Visual Studio underlined in red with the next error:

'SelectedItemChanged' is not an event of 'MyObjectClass'

I am not able to understand why it works in C# and not in VB.NET, so I guess my AddHandler syntax is not correct. What is the right syntax for this? What am I doing wrong?

Thank you

UPDATE: Maybe it is useful to understand the problem. The real MyObjectClass is there I emit the event:

public class MyObjectClass 
    ... more code here ...

    private IMyInterface _selectedItem;
    public IMyInterface SelectedItem
        get => _selectedItem;
            IMyInterface oldSelectedItem = _selectedItem;
            _selectedItem = value;
            SelectedItemChanged?.Invoke(oldSelectedItem, _selectedItem);
            SetProperty(ref _selectedItem, value);

    public delegate void SelectedItemChange(IMyInterface oldItem, IMyInterface newItem);
    public virtual SelectedItemChange SelectedItemChanged { get; set; }

Then I want to subscribe to that event from a C# project (and I do it with no problem), or from a VB.NET project (and I am not able to).

CodePudding user response:

It´s because SelectedItemChange is not an event. You need to declare it as event

public event SelectedItemChange SelectedItemChange_Event;

Your AddHanler Syntax in VB is correct

CodePudding user response:

Try this:

Public Event SelectedItemChange_Event As SelectedItemChange
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