i have list of students degrees in listbox like this :
i need to make list like that
student 0 failed in subject num 11 & old degree is 41 and new degree is 50
student 1 failed in subject num 5 & old degree is 66 and new degree is 75 , failed in subject num 10 & old degree is 40 and new degree is 50
student 2 failed in subject num 3 & old degree is 43 and new degree is 50 , failed in subject num 7 & old degree is 63 and new degree is 75 , failed in subject num 11 & old degree is 46 and new degree is 50
CodePudding user response:
Try this:
Dim ListOfStudents As New List(Of String)
Dim Result As String = ""
Dim MaxColumns As Integer = 1
Dim CurrentColumn As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
Dim Data As String() = ListBox1.Items(i).ToString().Split(",")
ListOfStudents.Add("student " & Data(0) & " failed in subject num " & Data(1) & " & old degree is " & Data(2) & " and new degree is " & Data(3))
For i = 0 To ListOfStudents.Count - 1
If CurrentColumn = MaxColumns Then
MaxColumns = 1
CurrentColumn = 0
Result = Result.Remove(Result.Length - 3)
Result &= vbCrLf
End If
Result &= ListOfStudents(i) & " , "
CurrentColumn = 1
Result = Result.Remove(Result.Length - 3)
I assume that your listbox is named ListBox1
. You could display the result like this:
TextBox1.Text = Result
CodePudding user response:
Pretty similar to your last question...
Dim data() As String = {
Dim buckets As New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of String))
For Each inputSet In data
Dim values As New List(Of String)(inputSet.Split(","))
Dim studentNumber As String = values(0)
If Not buckets.ContainsKey(studentNumber) Then
buckets.Add(studentNumber, New List(Of String))
End If
Dim msg As String = "failed in subject num " & values(0) &
" & old degree is " & values(1) &
" new degree is " & values(2)
For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, List(Of String)) In buckets
Dim msg As String = "student " & kvp.Key & " " & String.Join(", ", kvp.Value)