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SQLAlchemy Joining a Session into an External Transaction Not Working as Expected


I'm working on rewriting the test suite for a large application using pytest and looking to have isolation between each test function. What I've noticed is, multiple calls to commit inside a SAVEPOINT are causing records to be entered into the DB. I've distilled out as much code as possible for the following example:


# Create the SQLAlchemy db instance
db: SQLAlchemy = SQLAlchemy(
    engine_options={"connect_args": {"options": "-c timezone=utc"}}
# Initialize Marshmallow
ma: Marshmallow = Marshmallow()

unleash = Unleash()

def create_app(config=None):
    # Create the Flask app
    app = Flask(__name__)

    # Flask is not autoloading FLASK_ENV anymore
    if not database_exists(app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"]):

    # initialize DB
    # Initialize Marshmallow

    with app.app_context():
        # import models and setup blueprints


import os

import pytest
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

import db_data
from app import create_app
from app import db as _db

def app():
    Returns session-wide application.
    os.environ["FLASK_ENV"] = "testing"
    return create_app()

def db(app: Flask, request):
    Returns session-wide initialised database.
    with app.app_context():

        db_data.initialize_common_data(_db, app.logger)
        db_data.create_test_users(_db, app.logger)
        db_data.initialize_functional_test_data(_db, app.logger)

        yield _db

@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def session(app: Flask, db: SQLAlchemy):
    Returns function-scoped session.
    # from https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/orm/session_transaction.html
    with app.app_context():
        connection = db.engine.connect()

        # begin a non-ORM transaction
        trans = connection.begin()

        # bind an individual Session to the connection
        sess = Session(bind=connection)

        # start the session in a SAVEPOINT...

        # then each time that SAVEPOINT ends, reopen it
        @event.listens_for(sess, "after_transaction_end")
        def restart_savepoint(s, t):
            if t.nested and (t._parent is None or not t._parent.nested):

        yield sess

        ### Cleanup ##
        # rollback - everything that happened with the Session above
        # (including calls to commit()) is rolled back.

        # return connection to the Engine


@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def session(app: Flask, db: SQLAlchemy):
    Returns function-scoped session.
    # from https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/orm/session_transaction.html
    with app.app_context():
        connection = db.engine.connect()

        # begin a non-ORM transaction
        trans = connection.begin()

        # start the session in a SAVEPOINT...

        # then each time that SAVEPOINT ends, reopen it
        @event.listens_for(db.session, "after_transaction_end")
        def restart_savepoint(s, t):
            if t.nested and (t._parent is None or not t._parent.nested):

        # yield sess
        yield db.session

        ### Cleanup ##
        # rollback - everything that happened with the Session above
        # (including calls to commit()) is rolled back.

        # return connection to the Engine


from app.user.models import User
from app import db as _db

def test_list_trackers():
    print("SESSSS:", _db.session)
    _db.session.add(User(email="[email protected]"))

    _db.session.add(User(email="[email protected]"))

I've tried to use this as a guideline: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/orm/session_transaction.html#joining-a-session-into-an-external-transaction-such-as-for-test-suites

And have looked at the following resources (among many others):

Relevant packages, and versions, I have installed:

$ pip list
Package                           Version
--------------------------------- ---------
coverage                          6.3.1
Faker                             12.1.0
Flask                             1.1.2
Flask-Cors                        3.0.10
Flask-Environments                0.1
Flask-HTTPAuth                    4.2.0
flask-marshmallow                 0.11.0
Flask-Migrate                     2.7.0
Flask-SQLAlchemy                  2.5.1
psycopg2-binary                   2.8.6
pytest                            6.2.3
pytest-cov                        3.0.0
SQLAlchemy                        1.3.18
SQLAlchemy-Paginator              0.2
sqlalchemy-stubs                  0.3
SQLAlchemy-Utils                  0.38.2
timezonefinder                    5.2

Database is running in docker-compose using the postgres 12.2-alpine image.

CodePudding user response:

With the help of SQLAlchemy's Gitter community I was able to solve this. There were two issues that needed solving:

  1. The after_transaction_end event was being registered for each individual test but not removed after the test ended. Because of this multiple events were being invoked between each test.
  2. The _db being yielded from the db fixture was inside the app context, which it shouldn't have been.

Updated conftest.py:

def db(app: Flask, request):
    Returns session-wide initialised database.
    with app.app_context():

        db_data.initialize_common_data(_db, app.logger)
        db_data.create_test_users(_db, app.logger)
        db_data.initialize_functional_test_data(_db, app.logger)


    yield _db

@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True)
def session(app: Flask, db: SQLAlchemy):
    Returns function-scoped session.
    # from https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/orm/session_transaction.html
    with app.app_context():
        connection = db.engine.connect()

        # begin a non-ORM transaction
        trans = connection.begin()

        # start the session in a SAVEPOINT...

        # then each time that SAVEPOINT ends, reopen it
        @event.listens_for(db.session, "after_transaction_end")
        def restart_savepoint(s, t):
            if t.nested and (t._parent is not None and not t._parent.nested):

        # yield sess
        yield db.session

        ### Cleanup ##
        # rollback - everything that happened with the Session above
        # (including calls to commit()) is rolled back.
        event.remove(db.session, "after_transaction_end", restart_savepoint)


        # return connection to the Engine
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