Home > front end >  Xamarin.Forms: How to set the Color of Icons in FlyoutItems in AppShell
Xamarin.Forms: How to set the Color of Icons in FlyoutItems in AppShell


I am implementing a Xamarin.Forms app using AppShell and can't seem to figure out how to set the color of the selected / unselected icons in the Flyout menu. Here is the section of the appshell.xaml that I believe is controlling the behavior (I used various high contrast colors to show what settings are controlling what). (The complete code sample: enter image description here

Here is what I'm going for to show how "white" for the icons doesn't work:

enter image description here

I can manually set the color on the FontImageSource, but then it is always that color and doesn't match the selected / unselected:

<ShellContent Route="aboutPage" Title="About" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:AboutPage}" >
        <FontImageSource Size="{StaticResource FlyoutIconSize}" Color="Black" Glyph="{x:Static fontAwesome:FontAwesomeIcons.InfoCircle}" FontFamily="FA-Solid" />

I tried various things such as this withing the "Common States"- "Normal"/"Selected" and couldn't get anything to work.:

<Setter Property="FontImageSource.Color" Value="{AppThemeBinding Light={StaticResource PrimaryUnselectedTextColorLight}, Dark={StaticResource PrimaryUnselectedTextColorDark}}" />

And on a side note (and this is probably a bug). It appears on iOS that when first opening the flyout nothing is "selected":

enter image description here

Where on Android, the proper item is selected:

enter image description here

I know this is a seperate item, and I'll log a bug if I can't find an existing issue/bug, but I figured I'd mention it as someone thgat knows the answer to my above probably is already aware of this issue.

CodePudding user response:

You could use the Shell.ItemTemplate to set the background color of the Label and Icon. And use the VisualStateGroup to change the color of Selected status.


        <Grid ColumnDefinitions="0.2*,0.8*" ColumnSpacing="0" Style="{StaticResource FloutItemStyle}">
            <Image  x:Name="FlyoutItemIcon"  Source="{Binding FlyoutIcon}" HeightRequest="45" />
            <Label x:Name="FlyoutItemLabel"   Grid.Column="1"
                   Text="{Binding Title}"
                   VerticalTextAlignment="Center" />


 <Style  x:Key="FloutItemStyle" Class="FlyoutItemLayoutStyle" TargetType="Layout" ApplyToDerivedTypes="True">
            <Setter Property="VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups">
                    <VisualStateGroup x:Name="CommonStates">
                        <VisualState x:Name="Normal">
                                <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="{x:OnPlatform UWP=Transparent, iOS=White}" />
                                <Setter TargetName="FlyoutItemLabel" Property="Label.TextColor" Value="{StaticResource Primary}" />
                                <Setter TargetName="FlyoutItemLabel" Property="Label.BackgroundColor" Value="Blue" />
                                <Setter TargetName="FlyoutItemIcon" Property="Image.BackgroundColor" Value="Green" />
                        <VisualState x:Name="Selected">
                                <Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="{StaticResource Primary}" />
                                <Setter TargetName="FlyoutItemLabel" Property="Label.BackgroundColor" Value="{StaticResource Primary}" />
                                <Setter TargetName="FlyoutItemIcon" Property="Image.BackgroundColor" Value="{StaticResource Primary}" />

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

After Wendy Zang replied above with a partial solution (it solved the background color but not the foreground), it got me on the right track and I was able to find the enter image description here

A side not, something in this solution fixed the iOS issue where nothing was selected on initial opening. I'm guessing it was the definded DataTemplate.

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