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How to insert video link Canvas in HTML 5


Recently a project need points screen displays real-time video, don't know how to hai kang video links into the canvas object,

The class UILayout
The static SetScreenNumber (num) {
UILayout. ScreenNumber=num;

The static GetScreenNumber () {
Return UILayout. ScreenNumber;

The static SetContainer (id) {
UILayout. Container=document. GetElementById (id);

The static GetContainer () {
Return UILayout. Container;

The static SetVideoWith (VideoWidth) {
UILayout. VideoWidth=VideoWidth;

The static GetVideoWith () {
Return UILayout. VideoWidth;

The static SetVideoHeight (VideoHeight) {
UILayout. VideoHeight=VideoHeight;

The static GetVideoHeight () {
Return UILayout. VideoHeight;

The static SetSelectVideoIndex (index) {
UILayout. SelectVideoIndex=index;

The static GetSelectVideoIndex () {
Return UILayout. SelectVideoIndex;

The static Init (id, screenNums)
UILayout. SetContainer (id);
UILayout. SetScreenNumber (screenNums);
UILayout. SetVideoWith (352);
UILayout. SetVideoHeight (288);
UILayout. SetSelectVideoIndex (1);
UILayout. CreateCanvas ();
UILayout. LayoutScreens (screenNums);

The static CreateCanvas () {
For (var I=1; i <=32; I++) {
//show the canvas
var canvas=document.createElement('canvas');
Canvas. Width=UILayout. GetVideoWith ();
Canvas. Height=UILayout. GetVideoHeight ();
Canvas. Style. Border="1 px solid black";
Canvas. Style. CssFloat="left";
This. The Container. Append (canvas);

Var CTX=canvas. GetContext (' 2 d ');
CTX. FillStyle="gray";
CTX. FillRect (1, 1, canvas width, canvas, height);

The static ContainsScreen (num) {
Var screens=[1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10,16,24,32];
For (var I=0; i If (screens [I]==num) {
return true;
return false;

The static LayoutScreens (num) {
If (num==undefined) {
The console. The log (" LayoutScreens num is undefined ");
} else if (! UILayout. ContainsScreen (num)) {
The console. The log (" LayoutScreens num is not in [1, 4, 6, 8,9,10,16,24,32] ");
} else {
Enclosing ScreenNumber=num;

For (var I=1; i <=this. Container. ChildElementCount; I++) {
Var video=this. The Container. The.childnodes. Item (I);
Video. The index=I;
Video. Style. Margin="1 px";
Video. ParentContainer=this. The Container;
Video. The onclick=function () {
UILayout. SelectVideoIndex=this. The index;
Alert (UILayout. SelectVideoIndex);
For (var I=1; i <=this. ParentContainer. ChildElementCount; I++) {
If (I===UILayout. SelectVideoIndex) {
This. Style. Border="1 px solid # 00 ff00";
} else {
Enclosing parentContainer..childnodes. Item (I). The style.css. Border="1 px solid black";

If (this. ScreenNumber & lt; I) {
Video. Style. The display="none";
} else {
Video. Style. The display="block";


Var width=parseInt (this) Container) style. The width, the replace (" px ", ""));
Var height=parseInt (this. Container. Style. Height. The replace (" px ", ""));
var count=0;
For (var I=1; i <=this. Container. ChildElementCount; I++) {
Var video=this. The Container. The.childnodes. Item (I);
If (this. ScreenNumber==1 & amp; & Video. The index==1) {
Video. Style. The width=(width - 5) + "px";
Video. Style. Height=(height - 5) + "px";
} else if (this. ScreenNumber==4 & amp; & Video. The index & lt; {
=4)Video. Style. The width=(width/2-5) + "px";
Video. Style. Height=(height/2-5) + "px";
} else if (this. ScreenNumber==6 & amp; & Video. The index & lt; {
=6)If (video index==1) {
Video. Style. The width=(width/3 * 2-6) + "px";
Video. Style. Height=(height/3 * 2-5) + "px";
} else {
Video. Style. The width=(width/3-5) + "px";
Video. Style. Height=(height/3-2) + "px";
If (video index==6)
Video. Style. CssFloat="right";
Video. Style. MarginRight="3 p";
} else if (this. ScreenNumber==8 & amp; & Video. The index & lt; {
=8)If (video index==1) {
Video. Style. The width=(width/4 * 3-4) + "px";
Video. Style. Height=(height/4 * 3 to 7) + "px";
} else {
Video. Style. The width=(width/4 to 5) + "px";
Video. Style. Height=(height/4-3) + "px";
If (video index==8)
Video. Style. CssFloat="right";
Video. Style. MarginRight="3 p";
} else if (this. ScreenNumber==9 & amp; & Video. The index & lt;=9) {
Video. Style. The width=(width/3-5) + "px";
Video. Style. Height=(height/3-5) + "px";
} else if (this. ScreenNumber==10 & amp; & Video. The index & lt;=10) {
If (video index==1) {
Video. Style. The width=(width/5 * 4-5) + "px"; nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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