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HTML 5 how to adjust the position of the scanning window, please


I call webcam so
 function getScanObj () {
If (scanObj & amp; & ScanObj. IsClose) {
if(! ScanObj) {
ScanObj=new plus. The barcode. The barcode (" scanContainer ", [plus. Barcode. QR, plus the barcode. The EAN13, plus the barcode. EAN8] and {
Background: # 0000 ff,
FrameColor: '# 6495 Ed,
Position: 'static',
Top: '15%',
Left: 'auto'
ScanObj. Onmarked=function (type, code, file) {
Plus. NativeUI. Toast (code);
ScanObj. Close ();

The console. The log (JSON. Stringify (scanObj));
Return scanObj;

The results are as follows:

How to adjust can scan window within scanContainer, top: '15%' this attribute has no effect, how do you I want to set?
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