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string comparison to break out of loop in batch file


For searches in Windows Registry using batch scripting, I have to loop through a few keys, make a comparison to determine which is the right one, and then update the key.

Iteration in a for loop seems impossible to break out of. I have seen that others are facing similar issues but there does not seem to be a simple solution. Here is a snippet that demonstrates the issue.

@echo off
echo Diet Favorites

set favorite="bananas"
for %%a in (apples, bananas, chocolates) do call :reviewList %%a
echo Processing completed.
goto end

:reviewList item
    set foundFavorite="false"
    call :chooseFavorite "%~1"
    if /I "%foundFavorite%"=="true" (
        echo found the favorite - %~1
        exit /b 0
    ) else (
        echo skip %~1
    endlocal & goto :eof

:chooseFavorite item
    if "%~1"==           
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