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Looping over the properties of Views (struct) in an Array is returning wrong values (init values)


I am using an array of Label-Views to display a ScrollView with all the Labels. When those Labels are tapped, they are selected and an @State boolean property in the Label-View is toggled. So at the bottom when a "Submit" Button is clicked, the values of the selected Labels are sent to a server.

In the "Submit" Button I am using a For-Loop to loop over the Label-Views and check for Labels that have myLabel.isSelected == true, but all of them are returning false even after being selected.

The main View simplified:

struct Sheet: View {
    @State var myLabels: [MyLabel] = [
        MyLabel(systemImage: "sparkles", text: "Keine Gebrauchsspuren"),
        MyLabel(systemImage: "checkmark.circle", text: "Minimale Gebrauchsspuren"),
        MyLabel(systemImage: "exclamationmark.circle", text: "Mehrere Gebrauchsspuren"),
        MyLabel(systemImage: "xmark.circle", text: "Starke Gebrauchsspuren"),
        MyLabel(systemImage: "arrow.down.to.line", text: "Delle(n)")


    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
              ForEach(myLabels, id: \.self) {label in label}
        Button {
             var combinedString = ""
             for label in myLabels {
                   if label.isSelected {
                           combinedString  = label.text 
        } label: {

The combinedString is always returning empty because when I iterate over the myLabels all the Labels have isSelected set to false. Is this because of how structs are handled by SwiftUI when their properties are changed? And how would I be able to reach my goal of returning the values of only the tipped Labels?

Much appreciated!

CodePudding user response:

Views are structs in SwiftUI. So passing them into a function will create a copy of those Views. And you are itterating over the original Views that have not been modified.

I think a ViewModel/Model would be best here.

struct Model: Identifiable{
    var selected: Bool
    let text: String
    let id = UUID()

class Viewmodel: ObservableObject{
    @Published var models: [Model] = [] //Create the datamodel here
    func select(_ selectedModel: Model){
        var selectedModel = selectedModel
        selectedModel.selected.toggle() //Create a new copy and toggle selection
        // get index of selected item
        guard let index = models.firstIndex(where: {$0.id == selectedModel.id}) else{
        // assign item. This will toggle changes in the view
        models[index] = selectedModel
func post(){
    //Create combined string
    let combinedString = models.filter{$0.selected}.reduce("") { partialResult, model in
        partialResult   model.text
    //call post

func postTextFunc(_ string: String){

struct InnerView: View{
@EnvironmentObject private var viewmodel: Viewmodel
var selected: Model // provide the individual data here
var body: some View{
        .onTapGesture {

struct TestView: View{
    @StateObject private var viewmodel = Viewmodel()
    var body: some View {
            ScrollView {
                ForEach(viewmodel.models, id: \.id) { model in
                    InnerView(selected: model)
                        .environmentObject(viewmodel) // pass viewmodel in environment
        Button {
        } label: {
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