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XSL Group by Country and Weight


I'm making a pricing chart from an XML that contains many rates (25k ). Each rate row specifies

  • A service name in @service
  • A country code (iso-3166) in @iso
  • A weight in @kg
  • The price in @pc

For each unique service I want to list

  • Every possible weight in column headings
  • List 1 row for every unique country
  • The 1st cell in the row shows the name (@iso) and then the @pc for the corresponding @kg

The problem I'm having, is that all of the country names are not appearing. Only 2 in Standard and Priority, and none in Express service.


           NOTE--Should be 4 countries here

I'm hoping to output something like this

                <!-- One column for each unique weight -->
            <!-- One row for each unique country -->
                <!-- One column for each unique weight -->
                <!-- One column for each unique weight -->
            <!-- An so on for every unique country -->

Here's my XML / XSL

 <rate service="Standard" iso="FR" kg="0.1" pc="202.0000"/>
 <rate service="Standard" iso="CA" kg="0.1" pc="101.0000" />
 <rate service="Standard" iso="CA" kg="0.15" pc="151.0000" />
 <rate service="Standard" iso="FR" kg="0.15" pc="302.0000" />
 <rate service="Standard" iso="FR" kg="0.2" pc="402.0000" />
 <rate service="Standard" iso="CA" kg="0.2" pc="201.0000" />
 <rate service="Standard" iso="CA" kg="0.25" pc="251.0000" />
 <rate service="Standard" iso="FR" kg="0.25" pc="502.0000" />
 <rate service="Standard" iso="FR" kg="0.3" pc="602.0000" />
 <rate service="Standard" iso="CA" kg="0.3" pc="301.0000" />

 <rate service="Priority" iso="CA" kg="0.5" pc="0.6000" />
 <rate service="Priority" iso="FR" kg="0.5" pc="0.6680" />
 <rate service="Priority" iso="DE" kg="0.5" pc="0.6070" />
 <rate service="Priority" iso="GB" kg="0.5" pc="0.7800" />
 <rate service="Priority" iso="GB" kg="0.75" pc="1.1050" />
 <rate service="Priority" iso="DE" kg="0.75" pc="0.8610" />
 <rate service="Priority" iso="FR" kg="0.75" pc="0.9470" />
 <rate service="Priority" iso="CA" kg="0.75" pc="0.8500" />
 <rate service="Priority" iso="CA" kg="1" pc="1.1000" />
 <rate service="Priority" iso="FR" kg="1" pc="1.2250" />
 <rate service="Priority" iso="DE" kg="1" pc="1.1140" />
 <rate service="Priority" iso="GB" kg="1" pc="1.4300" />

 <rate service="Express" iso="FR" kg="0.1" pc="64.6400" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="CA" kg="0.1" pc="101.0000" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="DE" kg="0.1" pc="129.2800" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="GB" kg="0.1" pc="147.6380" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="GB" kg="0.15" pc="220.7260" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="DE" kg="0.15" pc="193.2800" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="CA" kg="0.15" pc="151.0000" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="FR" kg="0.15" pc="96.6400" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="FR" kg="0.2" pc="128.6400" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="CA" kg="0.2" pc="201.0000" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="DE" kg="0.2" pc="257.2800" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="GB" kg="0.2" pc="293.8140" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="GB" kg="0.25" pc="366.9020" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="DE" kg="0.25" pc="321.2800" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="CA" kg="0.25" pc="251.0000" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="FR" kg="0.25" pc="160.6400" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="FR" kg="0.3" pc="192.6400" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="CA" kg="0.3" pc="301.0000" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="DE" kg="0.3" pc="385.2800" />
 <rate service="Express" iso="GB" kg="0.3" pc="439.9900" />

And my XSL so far...

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 
<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>

<xsl:key name="service" match="rate" use="@service" />
<xsl:key name="iso" match="rate" use="@iso" />

<!-- Store off all the rates -->
<xsl:variable name='ratelist' select='//rate'/>

<xsl:template match="/">
    <!-- Get a list of unique service names -->
    <xsl:variable name='servicelist' select="$ratelist[generate-id()=generate-id(key('service', @service))]"/>
    <xsl:for-each select='$servicelist'>
        <!-- Get the rates for just this service -->
        <xsl:variable name='servicerate' select="$ratelist[@service=current()/@service]"/>

        <!-- Get a list of unique country codes -->
        <xsl:variable name='isolist' select="$servicerate[generate-id()=generate-id(key('iso', @iso))]"/>

        <h1><xsl:value-of select='@service'/></h1>
            <!-- Output 1 row for each unique country -->
            <xsl:for-each select='$isolist'>
                    <td><xsl:value-of select='@iso'/></td>

CodePudding user response:

As I mentioned in the comments, this is not a trivial undertaking. See if you can make sense of the following stylesheet:

XSLT 1.0

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 

<xsl:key name="rate-by-service" match="rate" use="@service" />
<xsl:key name="rate-by-country" match="rate" use="concat(@service, '|', @iso)" />
<xsl:key name="rate-by-weight" match="rate" use="concat(@service, '|', @kg)" />
<xsl:key name="value" match="rate" use="concat(@service, '|', @iso, '|', @kg)" />

<xsl:template match="/xml">
        <!-- a group for each unique service -->
        <xsl:for-each select="rate[generate-id() = generate-id(key('rate-by-service', @service)[1])]">
            <xsl:variable name="group" select="key('rate-by-service', @service)" />
            <xsl:variable name="service" select="@service" />
            <!-- unique countries in current group  -->
            <xsl:variable name="countries" select="$group[generate-id() = generate-id(key('rate-by-country', concat(@service, '|', @iso))[1])]"/>
            <!-- unique weights in current group  -->
            <xsl:variable name="weights" select="$group[generate-id() = generate-id(key('rate-by-weight', concat(@service, '|', @kg))[1])]"/>
            <!-- output  -->
                <xsl:value-of select='@service'/>
            <table border="1">
                        <!-- a column for each unique weight in current group -->
                        <xsl:for-each select="$weights">
                                <xsl:value-of select='@kg'/>
                    <!-- a row for each unique country in current group -->
                    <xsl:for-each select="$countries">
                        <xsl:variable name="iso" select="@iso" />
                                <xsl:value-of select='@iso'/>
                            <!-- a cell for each unique weight in current group -->
                            <xsl:for-each select="$weights">
                                    <xsl:value-of select="key('value', concat($service, '|', $iso, '|', @kg))/@pc"/>


when applied to your input example, this will produce:


   <table border="1">
   <table border="1">
   <table border="1">


enter image description here

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