Home > front end >  ASP.NET MVC: drop down list display everything and also display alone
ASP.NET MVC: drop down list display everything and also display alone


I currently display each category individually, but I want to make it possible to view them all together.

enter image description here

Here in the screenshot, I show each category separately, but I want to add another All option that will show me all the animals in all the categories

My repository:

public async Task<IEnumerable<Animal>> SelectAnimalsById(int id)
    var animal = _context.Animals
                         .Include(a => a.Category)
                         .Where(c => c.Category!.CategoryId == id);
    return await animal.ToListAsync();

public DbSet<Category> GetCategories()
    var category = _context.Categories;
    return category;

My controller:

// Displays the animals by category using the Selectlist
public async Task<IActionResult> Commands(int id = 1) 
    var petShopDbContext = await _animalRepository.SelectAnimalsById(id);
    ViewBag.Category = new SelectList(_catalogRepository.GetCategories(), "CategoryId", "Name", id);
    return View(petShopDbContext);

My view:

@model IList<PetShop.Data.Models.Animal>

<label>Please select a category:</label>
<select asp-items="ViewBag.Category" onchange="location.href='/Admin/Commands/' this.value" id="DesignSelect"></select>

<table id="Table">
        <th><label asp-for="@Model[0].PhotoUrl"></label></th>
        <th><label asp-for="@Model[0].Name"></label></th>
        <th><label asp-for="@Model[0].Category.Name"></label></th>
        <th><label asp-for="@Model[0].Description"></label></th>
        <th><label asp-for="@Model[0].BirthDate"></label></th>
        <th>Edit Animal</th>
        <th>Delete Animal</th>
    @foreach (var item in Model!) {
       <td><img src="~/Images/@item.PhotoUrl" id="ManagerImage"></td>
       <td>@Html.DisplayFor(model => item.BirthDate)</td>
       <td><a asp-action="EditAnimal" asp-route-id="@item.AnimalId"><input type="submit" value="Edit" id="DesignButton"></a></td>
       <td><a asp-action="DeleteAnimal" asp-route-id="@item.AnimalId"><input type="submit" value="Delete" id="DesignButton"></a></td>

image: enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

One way is that you can change your code in repository like below:

public async Task<IEnumerable<Animal>> SelectAnimalsById(int id)
    List<Animal> data= new List<Animal>();
    var animal = _context.Animal
                        .Include(a => a.Category);
    if (id != 0)
        data= await animal.Where(c => c.Category!.CategoryId == id).ToListAsync();
        data= await animal.ToListAsync();
    return data;

Another way is that you can change your action code like below:

public async Task<IActionResult> Commands(int id = 1)
    //add this condition
    //if id=0, return all the animals with all the categories
        return View(_context.Animal.Include(a => a.Category).ToList());

    //keep the same.....   
    var petShopDbContext = await _animalRepository.SelectAnimalsById(id);;
    ViewBag.Category = new SelectList(_catalogRepository.GetCategories(), "CategoryId", "Name", id);
    return View(petShopDbContext);

Then change your view like below:

<select asp-items="ViewBag.Category" onchange="location.href='/Admin/Commands/' this.value" id="DesignSelect">
    <option value="0">ALL</option>     //add this option

CodePudding user response:

You could conditional add the where clause in your repository...

var animal = _context.Animals
                         .Include(a => a.Category);

if(id != 0)
  animal.Where(c => c.Category!.CategoryId == id);

return await animal.ToListAsync();
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