I have a simple StateNotifier class like so:
class MyClass extends StateNotifier<Map<String, dynamic>> {
Map<String, dynamic> data;
MyClass({this.data}) : super(null) {
data = data ?? {};
setData(Map<String, dynamic> newData) {
data = {...data, ...newData};
I have my provider defined in a providers.dart file:
final myClassProvider = StateNotifierProvider((ref) => _myClass);
...which I'm importing and trying to "read" inside build
of my widget and have the widget update when the state of MyClass changes:
MyClass _myClass = ref.watch(myClassProvider.notifier);
I have a couple of buttons which calls the setData
method and I can see that it get's the new data, but my widget never rerenders. If I navigate back a screen and then forward again to the same view, I can see that it has been updated with the new data, but my widget never rerenders as it happens. Am I doing something fundamentally wrong here?
CodePudding user response:
has its own state
class MyClass extends StateNotifier<Map<String, dynamic>> {
MyClass(Map<String, dynamic> data) : super(data);
setData(Map<String, dynamic> newData) {
state = {...state, ...newData};