I am trying to create button in Excel which will call VBA script which will change text file.
I have text file which looks like:
String 1
String 123
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://www.example.com/publicdocs/files/iceu/2022/07/IPE0729F.CSV.zip
-OutFile C:\folder\files\IPE0802F.CSV.zip
String 125
String 999
What I need is to change string:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://www.example.com/publicdocs/files/iceu/2022/07/ABB0729F.CSV.zip -OutFile C:\folder\files\ABB0802F.CSV.zip
and replace dates with values from cells, i.e.: replace 2022 with
Replace 07 with
Replace 0729
with Range("A3").Value
Replace 0802
With Range("A4").Value
So I need to find this string in text file, modify it and save file. Maybe someone can help with that since looks like I have no enough knowledge to achieve it (
Ok, here I can find needed string, but I dont know how to replace whole string with updated one:
Sub updatePS()
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Dim FSO, FileIn, FileOut, strTmp
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set FileIn = FSO.OpenTextFile("C:\powershell.ps1", ForReading)
Set FileOut = FSO.OpenTextFile("C:\powershell2.ps1", ForWriting, True)
Do Until FileIn.AtEndOfStream
strTmp = FileIn.ReadLine
If Len(strTmp) > 0 Then
If InStr(1, strTmp, "Invoke-WebRequest", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
' Here I should add code to replace updated string
End If
End If
End Sub
CodePudding user response:
Check out the vba Replace() function, You can set multiple replaces by: Replace(Replace(Replace(put here 3 replace conditions)))
CodePudding user response:
You did not answer all my clarification questions...
The the next solution assumes that "2022" and "07" are both between "/" two such characters and "0729" / "0802" have a following suffix of "F.C" string. Otherwise, the code could strictly replace the strings you asked for, but the possibility to also replace in different locations exists:
Sub ModifScript()
Dim sh As Worksheet, fso As Object, ts As Object, sPath As String, sFile As String, strText As String
Set sh = ActiveSheet
sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" 'use here your real path, please!
sFile = "powershell.ps1"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ts = fso.getFile(sPath & sFile).OpenAsTextStream(1, -2)
strText = ts.ReadAll
Dim chngTxt As String, chngText As String, frstChar As Long, endChar As Long
frstChar = 1 'first character, where from InStr start evaluation
frstChar = InStr(frstChar, strText, "Invoke-WebRequest") 'the digit number where the necessary string (to be changed) starts
endChar = InStr(frstChar Len("Invoke-WebRequest"), strText, "F.CSV.zip") 'the digit number where the necessary string ends
'string to be processed:
chngTxt = Mid(strText, frstChar, endChar Len("F.CSV.zip") - frstChar)
Debug.Print chngTxt 'just to visually check that the correct string to be changed has been returned
chngText = Replace(Replace(chngTxt, "/2022/", "/" & sh.Range("A1").value & "/"), "/07/", "/" & sh.Range("A2").value & "/")
chngText = Replace(Replace(chngText, "0729F.C", sh.Range("A3").value & "F.C"), "0802F.C", sh.Range("A4").value & "F.C")
Debug.Print chngText 'just to visually check that the string to be changed has been correctly changed
'replace the changed string in the original file text:
strText = Replace(strText, chngTxt, chngText) 'the changed whole string!
Debug.Print strText
Dim scriptFold As String, pathToFile As String
If Dir(sPath & "Scripts", vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir sPath & "Scripts" 'create "Scripts" folder if it does not exist
pathToFile = sPath & "Scripts\" & sFile
Open pathToFile For Output As #1
Print #1, strText
Close #1
End Sub
The above code saves the processed file content in a new folder ("Scripts), created by the code, if not exists...
Basically, you should use the same script file, but always update the column B:B of the active sheet with the changed string (taken from A:A). It is necessary to only replace in code "/2022/"
with "/" & Sh.Range("B1").value & "/"
, "/07/"
with "/" & Sh.Range("B2").value & "/"
, "0729F.C"
with Sh.Range("B2").value & "S.C"
and so on...