I have XML File which contains different data. In this file under the root node (PulserDeviceData), there is one Parent Node (IdentityNumber), IdentityNumber contains one child named (Measurement). Measurement contains 4 sub chile PulserData. PulserData holds the values for IdentityNumber. Pulser data is divided into two groups theoretically i.e., 2 sub children contain the data with the same value of two variables i.e., ( PRF = 1000 & Volt = 50). The next 2 sub children values are coming with (PRF = 5000 & Volt = 50).
Now I want to categorize values on these two variables as fixed values. For example, when values with ( PRF = 1000 & Volt = 50) came I want to populate excel from Row number 50 ..... 100 and when values with setting (PRF = 5000 & Volt = 50) came i want to populate from 101 .... 150
This is how I am reading the data currently
Set PulsTest = XDoc.SelectNodes("//TestDevice/PulsTestData/PulserDeviceData")
Public sngPulserVolt(0 To 15, 0 To 3) As Single
Public sngPulserFall(0 To 15, 0 To 3) As Single
Public sngPulserWidth(0 To 15, 0 To 3) As Single
For i = o To Data.Length - 1
For j = 0 To Data(i).ChildNodes.Length - 1
If Data(i).ChildNodes(j).BaseName = "IdentityNumber" Then
intIdentityNumber = Data(i).ChildNodes(j).nodetypedvalue
End If
For j = 0 To Data(i).ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes.Length - 1
sngPulserVolt(intIdentityNumber - 1, j) = CSng(ConDecimalSep(Data(i).ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(j).ChildNodes(0).nodetypedvalue))
sngPulserFall(intIdentityNumber - 1, j) = CSng(ConDecimalSep(Data(i).ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(j).ChildNodes(1).nodetypedvalue))
sngPulserWidth(intIdentityNumber - 1, j) = CSng(ConDecimalSep(Data(i).ChildNodes(1).ChildNodes(j).ChildNodes(2).nodetypedvalue))
This is How XML looks like. I just posted that XML for 2 identity numbers this XML goes to 16 identity numbers with the same structure
I want to make an array for these values (PulserAmplitude, PulserFall, PulserWidth) with two settings of PRF and Voltage. This array should store the values of three variables matching the condition of PRF and Volt values which I posted above. The required output should look like this
The identity number will go till 16 I just pasted for 2. So for all identity numbers in my excel sheet first I want to populate the data for PRF = 1000 & Volt = 50 && Next (PRF = 5000 & Volt = 50).
CodePudding user response:
First you have to declare i and j as long, then i = o (=letter) would give error put Option Explicit on top this is code without checking, to help with the idea;
For i = 0 to 15
For j = 0 to 3
If sngPulserFall(i,j) = 1000 and sngPulserVolt(i,j) = 50 then
Sheet.range(....) = sngPulserFall(i,j)
Sheet.range(...) = sngPulserVolt(i,j)
end if
CodePudding user response:
Not sure if you need to fill 3 arrays, you could write the values to the sheet directly.
Option Explicit
Sub processXML()
Const XMLFILE = "data.xml"
Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets(1)
Dim xml As Object, data As Object
Dim node1 As Object, node2 As Object, node3 As Object
Dim intIdentityNumber As Long, i As Integer
Dim outRow As Long, outRow1 As Long, outRow2 As Long, v(3) As String
outRow1 = 50
outRow2 = 101
' read xml
Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
xml.Load XMLFILE
Set data = xml.SelectNodes("//TestDevice/PulsTestData/PulserDeviceData")
' process each PulseDeviceData
For i = 0 To data.Length - 1
For Each node1 In data(i).ChildNodes
If node1.BaseName = "IdentityNumber" Then
intIdentityNumber = node1.NodeTypedValue
ElseIf node1.BaseName = "Measurements" Then
' PulserData
For Each node2 In node1.ChildNodes
For Each node3 In node2.ChildNodes
'Debug.Print intIdentityNumber, node3.BaseName, node3.NodeTypedValue
Select Case node3.BaseName
Case "PulserAmplitude"
v(1) = node3.NodeTypedValue
Case "PulserFall"
v(2) = node3.NodeTypedValue
Case "PulserWidth"
v(3) = node3.NodeTypedValue
Case "SetPRF"
' select outrow 1000 start 50, 5000 start 101
If node3.NodeTypedValue = 1000 Then
outRow = outRow1
outRow1 = outRow1 1
ElseIf node3.NodeTypedValue = 5000 Then
outRow = outRow2
outRow2 = outRow2 1
MsgBox "Error SetPRF value = " & node3.NodeTypedValue, vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Case "SetVoltage"
' Output to sheet
If node3.NodeTypedValue = "50" Then
ws.Cells(outRow, 1) = intIdentityNumber
ws.Cells(outRow, 2) = v(1)
ws.Cells(outRow, 3) = v(2)
ws.Cells(outRow, 4) = v(3)
'Debug.Print outRow, v(1), v(2), v(3)
Erase v
End If
End Select
End If
MsgBox XMLFILE & " processed", vbInformation
End Sub