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The use of encapsulation websocket react


in jsImport from {websocket} "./websocket "
The import {message} from 'antd'
//import the from e "express"

//the websocket four callback function, onopen, onmessage, one rror, onclose

The class createWebSocket {
The constructor (url) {

//this. The instance=null
//super (url)
Enclosing the connect (url)
//the console log (url)
Enclosing myUrl url=
//this. GetMessage ()

The connect (url) {//connect to the server
This. Ws=new the WebSocket (url)
This. Ws. Onopen=(e)=& gt; {
Enclosing the status='open'
Message. The info (' link succeed ')
The console. The log (" connection to the server is the opened ")
//this. HeartCheck. Reset (). The start ()
This. Ws. Send (' succeed)
Enclosing heartCheck ()
Async getMessage () {//asynchronous data
Enclosing lockReconnect=true
Enclosing messageList=' ';
Await new Promise ((resolve)=& gt; {
This. Ws. Onmessage=(e)=& gt; {
//the console. The log (e.d ata)
Enclosing messageList=e.d ata
//the console. The log (enclosing messageList)
The resolve ()
The console. The log (enclosing messageList)
Return this. MessageList

HeartCheck () {//heartbeat
This. PingPong='ping'
Enclosing pingInterval=setInterval (()=& gt; {
If (this. Ws. ReadyState===1) {
This. Ws. Send (' ping ')
}, 10000);
Enclosing pongInterval=setInterval (()=& gt; {
If (this. PingPong==='ping') {
Enclosing the closeHandle (' pingPong not to pong)
The console. The log (' return the pong ')
}, 20000)
The closeHandle (res) {
If (this. The status!=='close') {
The console. The log (' disconnect, rewiring websocket, res)
If (this. PongInterval!==undefined & amp; & This pingInterval!==undefined) {
ClearInterval (enclosing pongInterval)
ClearInterval (enclosing pingInterval)
Enclosing the connect (enclosing myUrl)
} else {
The console. The log (' websocket manually shut down, or are in the connection)

Close () {//close the connection
ClearInterval (enclosing pingInterval)
ClearInterval (enclosing pongInterval)
This. Ws. Send (' close ')
Enclosing the status='close'
This. Ws. Onclose=e=& gt; {
The console. The log (' close ')

Export the default createWebSocket

Used in the components, the use of the server from change the value of the components of the value of state
The import createWebSocket from '../WebSocket '

Ws=new createWebSocket (' ws:... ')

ComponentDidMount () {
//this. The test ()
//the console. The log (" XXXX ")
This. Ws. GetMessage (). Then ((res)=& gt; {
The console. The log (res)
Enclosing setState ({data: res})
ComponentWillUnmount () {
This. Ws. The close ()

Using the node with a local server
in jsConst WebSocket=the require (' ws)
Const express=the require (' express ')
Const app=express ()
App. Listen (3003)//port needs to be changed, every time start, because the port will be occupied

Const WSS=new WebSocket Server ({port: 8989})//port number need to change, each time you start the
The console. The log (' the connection is starting ')
WSS) on (' connection ', function (ws) {
The console. The log (' client connected ')
Ws. On (' message ', function (the message) {
The console. The log (" received: ", message)
Ws. Send (" hello world ")
Stay in control node server. Js start the server
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