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Infinite loop in babylonian method for square roots


In some specific numbers my algorithm gets stuck. It never reaches the minimum approximation so we never get out of the while. I think I can either low my approximation requisites or use double for my numbers, but I'm trying to figure out other solutions.

I'm programming a babylonian algorithm to calculate roots. First I'm doing this in C and later I will do this in Assembly(University homework). When I try to find the root of numbers like 99999 the program iterates to infinity. I have already tried two different stop conditions, one of them I did exactly like this tutorial from geeks4geeks(the first one inside the site).


The second stop condition I tested was this:

while ((x*x - n) > e) {}

I tried something like this because it is more "relatable" to the method enunciation. The full code is showed below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

/*Returns the square root of n. Note that the function */

float squareRoot(float n)


    /*We are using n itself as initial approximation

   This can definitely be improved */

    float x = n;

    float y = 1;
    float e = 0.000001; /* e decides the accuracy level*/

    while ((x*x - n) > e) {

        x = (x   y) / 2;
        y = n / x;

//      if(prev_err == x-y){
//          printf("A aproximação por ponto flutuante alcançou o máximo possível para o caso\n");
//          return x;
//      }
//      prev_err = x-y;

    return x;



/* Driver program to test above function*/

int main()


    int n;

    printf("Insira o número cuja raiz deseja calcular\n");

    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Square root of %d is %.8f\n", n, squareRoot(n));

    return 0;


CodePudding user response:

An absolute tolerance will never work. If n is large, x.x - n can remain large and the loop will never stop. If n is tiny, x.x - n can too quickly become small and the result will be quite inaccurate.

Your test has another big flaw: if x.x - n < e, the iterations will stop immediately if the LHS is negative, whatever its value.

The cure is to take the absolute value and a relative tolerance.

A better cure is to

  • adapt the starting approximation to the magnitude of n (such as the nearest power of 4),

  • use a fixed number of iterations (with a good starting approximation, 7 iterations are enough).

CodePudding user response:

float only can take 4 Size (bytes), so If you want to calculate the square root for number greater than 4 bytes You need to replace all float to double like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

/*Returns the square root of n. Note that the function */

double squareRoot(double n)


    /*We are using n itself as initial approximation

   This can definitely be improved */

    double x = n;

    double y = 1;
    double e = 0.000001; /* e decides the accuracy level*/

    while ((x*x - n) > e) {

        x = (x   y) / 2;
        y = n / x;

//      if(prev_err == x-y){
//          printf("A aproximação por ponto flutuante alcançou o máximo possível para o caso\n");
//          return x;
//      }
//      prev_err = x-y;

    return x;



/* Driver program to test above function*/

int main()


    int n;

    printf("Insira o número cuja raiz deseja calcular\n");

    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Square root of %d is %.8f\n", n, squareRoot(n));

    return 0;


if u want learn more about Primitive Data Types size in c: Primitive Data Types sizes

https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/c-data-types#:~:text=The size of float (single,data type) is 8 bytes.

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