Home > front end >  Graphical list of all ASP.NET 6.0 Blazor oi- icons
Graphical list of all ASP.NET 6.0 Blazor oi- icons


In "Shared/NavMenu.razor", there are icons used like oi-home or oi-plus. Is there a page where I can see all those icons and names?

I searched Google and found enter image description here

but in VS, the autocomplete list shows only two, and "data-transfer-download" does not exist on the website above.

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Blazor is using Open Iconic v1.1.1 not Bootstrap icons and I think it is not maintained anymore. Here is the GitHub repo - https://github.com/iconic/open-iconic - the site useiconic.com no longer works.

You find the icon list here - https://www.appstudio.dev/app/OpenIconic.html

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