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Render aria-current attribute with blazor's NavLink component


Blazor's NavLink component detects whether the link refers to the current page, and sets the active class.

It is customary to also set the aria-current="page" attribute, when it is part of a menu.

Can the component do that somehow? Or could I wrap it in a custom component that does this?

I can't find an extension point that easily allows for this: enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Here is my solution.


<NavLink class=@CssClass @attributes=Attributes>

@inherits NavLink
@code {

  private const string _defaultActiveClass = "active";
  private Dictionary<string, object>? _attributes;

  private IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> Attributes
      if (_attributes != null) return _attributes;
      _attributes = AdditionalAttributes != null
        ? new Dictionary<string, object>(AdditionalAttributes)
        : new Dictionary<string, object>();
      // the trick to inferring "active" indirectly:
      var isActive = CssClass?.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries).Contains(ActiveClass ?? _defaultActiveClass) ?? false;
      if (isActive)
        _attributes.Add("aria-current", "page");
      return _attributes;


Some page using bootstrap:

<li >
  <AriaNavLink href="/foo"  foo="bar">
    <i ></i>
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