Blazor's NavLink
component detects whether the link refers to the current page, and sets the active
It is customary to also set the aria-current="page"
attribute, when it is part of a menu.
Can the component do that somehow? Or could I wrap it in a custom component that does this?
I can't find an extension point that easily allows for this:
CodePudding user response:
Here is my solution.
<NavLink class=@CssClass @attributes=Attributes>
@inherits NavLink
@code {
private const string _defaultActiveClass = "active";
private Dictionary<string, object>? _attributes;
private IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> Attributes
if (_attributes != null) return _attributes;
_attributes = AdditionalAttributes != null
? new Dictionary<string, object>(AdditionalAttributes)
: new Dictionary<string, object>();
// the trick to inferring "active" indirectly:
var isActive = CssClass?.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries).Contains(ActiveClass ?? _defaultActiveClass) ?? false;
if (isActive)
_attributes.Add("aria-current", "page");
return _attributes;
Some page using bootstrap:
<li >
<AriaNavLink href="/foo" foo="bar">
<i ></i>