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How to get all data from a collection that is inside every collection?


Let me say I have 'teacher' collection inside 'teacher' collection I have 'student' collection in Firebase, I need to display every student of every teacher in a list. I know I can create separate student collection linking teacher id, but this is the scenario I need to work with. Please help me how can I get every student using FirebaseFirestore query.

CodePudding user response:

You will have to iterate over each teacher in order to fetch all students from the student collection within the teacher document.

See examples from the offical documentation:


CodePudding user response:

To achieve this you will query all the teachers and then all the students inside each teacher. I have implemented so I am sharing my experience with you. First of all make two models TeacherModel and StudentModel with json serialization for your ease. I have created dummy models you can add your fields in models.

class TeacherModel {

  factory TeacherModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    /// implement from json
    return TeacherModel(students: []);

  /// all the properties of teacher
  List<StudentModel>? students;

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {};

class StudentModel {

  /// all the properties of student
  factory StudentModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    return StudentModel();

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {};

After creating models you have two options.

1- Get all data in a stream as following.

  static Stream<List<TeacherModel>> getStreamData() async* {
    final firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
    var allTeachers = <TeacherModel>[];
    final result = firestore.collection('teachers').snapshots();
    await for (final r in result) {
      final teacherDocs = r.docs;
      for (final teacherDoc in teacherDocs) {
        final students = (await firestore
            .map((e) => StudentModel.fromJson(e.data()))
        final teacher = TeacherModel.fromJson(teacherDoc.data());
        teacher.students = students;
        yield allTeachers;

2- Get all data in future as following.

static Future<List<TeacherModel>> getFutureData() async {
    final firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
    var allTeachers = <TeacherModel>[];
    final result = (await firestore.collection('teachers').get()).docs;
    for (final r in result) {
      final students =
          (await firestore.collection('teachers/${r.id}/students').get())
              .map((e) => StudentModel.fromJson(e.data()))
      final teacher = TeacherModel.fromJson(r.data());
      teacher.students = students;
    return allTeachers;
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