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creating a regex to password validate


I need help with creating a regex to: at least 1 number, only letters in English, at least one special char (@!#$%^&*()- _), no spaces and not 3 same letters in a row.


    function passwordValidated() {

    var password = document.getElementById("password").value;
    var passMsg = document.getElementById("passMsg");

        if (password.length > 6 && password.length > 12) {
        passMsg.innerHTML = "password must contain above 6 charcters and below 12";
        return false;
        var specialChar = /[@!#$%^&*()- _]/;
        if (!specialChar.test(password)) {
            passMsg.innerHTML = "password must contain a special character";
            return false;
        var numberCheck = /(?=\S* [\d])/;
        if (!numberCheck.test(password)) {
            passMsg.innerHTML = "password must contain at least one number";
            return false;
    passMsg.innerHTML = "";
    return true;

this is my code for now.

CodePudding user response:

const validators: ((s: string) => true | string)[] = [
    s => s.length >= 6 || "password must contain above 6 charcters and below 12",
    s => s.length <= 12 || "password must contain above 6 charcters and below 12",
    s => /[@!#$%^&*()- _]/.test(s) || "password must contain a special character",
    s => /\d/.test(s) || "password must contain at least one number",
    s => !/(.)\1\1/.test(s) || "not 3 same letters in a row",
    s => !/\s/.test(s) || "no spaces please",
    s => /^[@!#$%^&*()- _\w] $/.test(s) || "only letters in English"

function validate (value: string, validators: ((s: string) => true | string)[]) {
    for (let v of validators) {
        let r = v(value);
        if (r !== true) return r;
    return true;

    validate('asd', validators),
    validate('asdhakufhskuydgsiyug', validators),
    validate('asdj$hgsd', validators),
    validate('asdj$4h gsd', validators),
    validate('asdj$4hgsd', validators),

Inspired by Quasar (Vue framework) imput field validation

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