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WebBrowser in nested HTML page, the realization of baidu map ranging DistanceTool_min. Js


Is now in the WebBrowser embedded in the HTML page, and then the HTML to the normal test function of the implementation of the baidu map
1: the introduction of js: & lt; Script type="text/javascript" SRC="http://api.map.baidu.com/library/DistanceTool/1.2/src/DistanceTool_min.js" charset="utf-8" & gt; </script>

2: map can display properly, indicate the code is as follows:
Var map=new BMap. The map (" mapDiv ");
Var myDis=new BMapLib. DistanceTool (map);
MyDis. The open ();
Below is executing code after effect, can appear the mark, but no effect, after the click

The same code I will run HTML pages directly in a browser can be normal use ranging function, but can not, after the embedded WebBrowser

Also which great god can help me answer to solve the trouble!!!!!!!!!!

Be very grateful!

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Half-way up the yourself, don't sink
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