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Can't access the Wordpress dashboard when logged in


I migrated the company's website on a new hosting server. Since then, I cannot access my Wordpress dashboard when I'm logged in.

When connected, I see my website and the classic Wordpress top bar. But when I click on the button with the name of my website (usually that sends me to the dashboard) it just sends me back to the home page.

I add that the top bar isn't really like the classic top bar since it doesn't contain any option.

Here's a screenshot.

The top of my website when logged with the top bar of the admin wordpress

Clicking "Bonjour Signature_Beta" doesn't do anything. I can only log out.

Going to the /wp-admin page gives me an error saying "Sorry, you do not have authorization to reach this page". Except, I'm supposed to have authorization since my profile has a wp_content value of a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;} and wp_user_level of 10.

I have tried multiple things I found online that didn't come to fruition sadly :

  • Renaming plugin's folder (nothing changes except page breaking because they're made with Elementor)
  • Renaming theme's and child theme's folder (page goes blank, top bar still there though)
  • Replaced .htaccess file (nothing)
  • Checking my account didn't lose admin privilege through phpmyadmin (it didn't, it's at level 10 it has the weird administrator code
  • Added a new admin account through function.php (can log in with it, still can't access dashboard)
  • Increased memory limit
  • Repair database tables

Kind of desperate and frustrated about it.

Thank you in advance for the help :)

CodePudding user response:

ipeleng here... please try using restore plugin and try accessing your dashboard again https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/backup restore/

I hope it helps

CodePudding user response:

Ok with a fresh pair of eyes, I found out what was the problem. Tables prefix! I followed what was described here : After moving Wordpress, login works, but no admin access anymore

For the record, I never found it when googling or searching my answer here before posting. When posting my question I review the post stackoverflow suggested and it wasn't there either. But now it's suggested next to my post, so... great!

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