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Layui tree do permissions, checkboxes, how to judge whether the selected according to the condition,


//the method to get the background trees JSON format below, but I don't know how to judge whether checked to be selected, if set to @ directly checked=true, then all the nodes will be selected to
I think the result is only selected according to the conditions, and returned to the front-end display.

Public ActionResult GetRoleAuthMenu (int RoleID)
//1. Check all permissions of ten-day
Var allData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/authorize.Select (u=> true);
Var allsum=allData. The Count ();//total number of rows

//2. Query for role division limit, the role has permissions
Var rolData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/roleauth.Select (u=> u.R oleID==RoleID);
Var rolsum=rolData. The Count ();//total number of rows

//3. The number of query structure data
bool ck=false;//check box is selected
Var mydata x=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/from in allData
Where x.P arentID==0 & amp; & X.T ype=="menu"
Select new
//the first layer of the root node
Id=x.A uthID,
ParentID=x.P arentID,
Title=x.A uthName,
Children=the from y in allData
Where y.P arentID==x.A uthID
Select new
//the second
Id=y.A uthID,
ParentID=y.P arentID,
Title=y.A uthName,
Children from z=allData in
Where z.P arentID==y.A uthID
Select new
//the third layer
Id=z.A uthID,
ParentID=z.P arentID,
Title=z.A uthName,
@ checked=ck//ck here according to the conditions needed to show whether select the checkbox, if directly set @ checked=true,
//will all the check boxes checked the


Return a Json (mydata, JsonRequestBehavior. AllowGet);

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