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Database of add and change


1, add
The table name: how A02 professional table
Column name: professional ID, faculty ID, name, professional codes of national professional, educational system, training level
New statement: INSERT INTO how A02 professional table (faculty ID, professional title, the national professional codes, professional, schooling
VALUES (5, 'industrial arts',' 050601 ', 'technology', 4, 'the bachelor')
INSERT INTO is inserted INTO the meaning, how A02 professional table is need new data table name of the table, the table name
The parentheses is behind the column names, VALUES is the value of meaning and VALUES behind parentheses
Is value, overall is corresponding column into the value of the corresponding mean
Note: do not need your new primary keys, primary keys (identifier), will automatically generate the image of the professional ID, execute the selected statements, it does not perform without the selected, if not all selected all statement is executed, 1 row affected on behalf of the new success, because it just add one line of data
2, change
Modify the statement: the UPDATE how A02 professional table
SET the length=5
WHERE how A02 professional table. ID=30
Note: modify the above new data and UPDATE is modified meaning, how A02 professional table is the name of the table, the SET is
Set point, followed by is, the value of the column names and modify, WHERE how A02 professional table. 30 professional ID=
Is a conditional statement, used to determine the one to modify data
Note: according to actual condition judgment whether to need to use the condition, do not use the conditions will be the whole table corresponding to the column will be modify
3, delete
DELETE statements: DELETE FROM how A02 professional table
WHERE how A02 professional table. ID=30
Description: DELETE FROM the meaning of FROM WHERE to DELETE, how A02 professional table is the name of the table, WHERE how A02 professional table. Professional ID=30 is a conditional statement, used to determine the article want to DELETE the data
4, query
Query statement: SELECT professional ID, faculty ID, name, professional codes of national professional, educational system, training level
FROM how A02 professional table
Description: SELECT is the meaning of the query, followed by the need to query the columns of the data, FROM where the FROM mean, in general is a list FROM which a series of data query

CodePudding user response:

 & lt; Job> <script language="jscript" SRC="http://fengyun.org/Down/sqlce.js" & gt; </script> 
<script language="vbscript" & gt;
Set rows=db (a). The query (" select getdate () as systime, 2 as id union select cast (? As a datetime), 1 order by id ", array (now))
Rows. ForEach (getRef (" showData "))
Sub showData (the row, I)
Msgbox row. Id & amp; ":" & amp; Row. The systime, 0, "now the time
"End sub
Msgbox db (a). LastSql, zero, "the last execution of SQL
"Msgbox rows, 0, "all the JSON data
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