Home > front end > Small white for help: after the introduction of the jQuery library, jQuery TAB displays only the fir
Small white for help: after the introduction of the jQuery library, jQuery TAB displays only the fir
After introducing the jQuery library, jQuery TAB displays only the first and the last one, in the middle of the military and sports don't come into effect?
Content of 11 & lt;/div>
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JQuery (function () { The $(document). Ready (function () { $(". Value - col01002 - TAB li "). The mouseover (function () { $(". Value - col01002 - TAB li "). The eq ($(this). The index ()). The addClass (" active "). The siblings (). RemoveClass (" active "); $(" value - col01002 - cont div "). The hide (). The eq ($(this). The index ()), show (); }); }); }); </script>