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Consult, the query results for every display four images


<% %=wenzi & gt;


Dim the rs, SQL

For I=1 to len (wenzi)

Set the rs=server. Createobject (" adodb. You ")

SQL="select * from ziku where danzi like '%" & amp; Mid (wenzi, I, 1) & amp;" "
% '
Rs. The open SQL, conn, 3, 3

% & gt;

% & gt;

Rs. Close
Set the rs=nothing

% & gt;
% & gt;

CodePudding user response:

For xx=0 to rs. Recordcount - 1
If (xx + 1) mod 4=1 then
% & gt;

The else
% & gt;
Image content & lt;/td>
Elseif (xx + 1) mod 4=0 then
% & gt;
Image content & lt;/td>
Image content & lt;/td>
End the if

If the rs. Recordcount> 0 and rs. Recordcount mod 4 & lt;> 0 then
For xx=1 to 4 - (rs. Recordcount mod 4)
% & gt;
Empty content, less than four filling & lt;/td>
Response. Write (" & lt;/tr>" )
End the if
% & gt;
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