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How can I self-study web front end


What self-study web front end

CodePudding user response:

I suggest you can go to the next lesson for network based video, there is a free look at learning

CodePudding user response:

Now has a lot of kinds of selection of self-study, as lesson for the nets, netease cloud classroom, B station, tencent has complete tutorial class, follow course learning while doing, after a little familiar, then slowly to the project by,

CodePudding user response:

If you have any experience, it suggested that systematic learning,
Explains the w3c, structure (HTML) (CSS) + + behaves (js);

Understand the commonly used HTML tags and CSS styles must be (front-end code itself is not difficult, transformation on the backend is sure I bad), js is logic layer, there are many online teaching

Will be after you learn the jquery development for you, learn to use some plug-in library or something such as the bootstrap, finally learn framework, vue, such as the react

Rome was not built in a day learning, but also long-term look to learn

CodePudding user response:

Introduce myself first, I am 13 years admitted to a bad specialist private school, I majored in biology, specific school name I just don't say it out, the product comforms to the 13 years I will drop out of school, I in that school, tuition to more than 10000 a year, but no one to learn, I really can't see the hope, I dropped out,
Dropped out after I also confused, junior college graduate, I really don't know what can I do, I twisted in what I can do, so I a period of time after dropping out of school, I want to find a job, because I compare quiet, not very will talk, I don't suitable for to apply for to do business, I'd like to apply for the position of technical, but frustrating,
A chance, and I didn't hear the web front-end in the industry, that day I went to xinhua bookstore, there looking for book learning in computer classification, then a girl came up and asked me if I read the computer, are you interested in learning the web front end, and then introduces the web front-end for me now hot situation, tell me to learn how promising web front-end, give me a copy of leaflets, advertising web front-end training, listened to her, my heart itch, and I really want to learn a really their own technology, rely on their own hands to have a meal,
Back home, then I will search the web front end, is today's popular industry, is also a better looking for a job, salary is relatively high, I am determined to want to learn web front end, so I went to the web front end training of relevant information, to be honest, I am also very confused, I don't know whether the training is really as good as their propaganda, so I just want to know about a period of time to do,
Later, I have seen in baidu knows a let me very encouraging article is a web front end player to introduce a friend without basic introduction to learn how to self-study web front end, the article written by very good, how to learn, how to learn, he mentioned a method is to see video, because reading is so boring and confusing, we also don't understand, I really agree with this, my own reading don't always see a few pages,
I'm thinking, why other people can be self-taught, I can! I want to believe in yourself, so I just want to self-study, if I go to the training, you will never learn
Idea, I go to search the web front-end video, although sporadic find some web front-end video, but don't system, and I want to find a can tell me how to learn the video, a video from entry to master it, a more complete information, best can have the teacher taught, don't understand, can consult,
Later I found a very good video tutorial is good inside,
Here under my learning process, and I do want to completely without foundation friends help,
Course after purchase, and after download, I began to learn, because I don't have any basis, I will from the most simple Html/CSS/photoshop/javascript/jQuery video tutorial in English, simple words, but I still many don't understand, as long as the repeated re-read it, you can understand, Html/CSS/photoshop/javascript/jQuery I learned about a month, then I go to school the foundation web front end and Mysql database, is almost three weeks, I constantly every day to write some simple code, after this month I basic mastered all of the web front-end,
接下来开始学习web前端高级课程,老师幽默风趣而又轻松的课堂教课,使我发现原来学习web前端并不是一件很难的事情,之前我把web前端基础学得还不错,到了到了web前端高级部分,我觉不又不是很难,可能老师太牛了,他能把复杂的问题讲的比较通俗易懂,有些难点的地方我还是连续看了五六次,把他弄懂,每天下午6点下班后,吃了饭,马上跑回家,看视频,买了几本笔记本,当时,为了编程还花几百元了台二手的台式电脑,配置一般,但编程是足够的,一边看视频,一边记笔记,把重点都记下来,还一边跟着老师敲代码,为了能尽早学会web前端,每天都坚持学5-6个小时,经常学到晚上一点多才睡觉,星期六,日不用上班,每天7点多起床,学到晚上11,12点,那段时间特别辛苦,特别累,在学习web前端的三个多月里,除了吃饭睡觉工作,剩余的时间都在学习,因为我知道自己的计算机基础不是很好,也没有学过什么计算机,相对于那些科班的人来说我要比他们付出更多的努力,我只能咬紧牙关,坚持下去,我不能放弃,我要完成我的梦想,我要让我的家人过上好日子,终于三个多月后我把web前端教程里的内容和项目都学完了,在学项目的过程中我发现项目特别重要,他能把你学过的知识全部联系起来,能更好的理解你所学的知识,还有学习过程中,动手很重要,要经常跟着老师动手敲,动手吧,跟着做,一行一行的跟着敲,再试着加一些自己的功能,按照自己的思路敲一些代码,收获远比干听大的多, 如果遇到暂时对于一些思路不能理解的,动手写,先写代码,慢慢你就会懂了,这套视频还有6个顶级企业项目,对于我没有任何经验的人来说,这个太重要了,还有在学习项目是提升能力最快的方法,项目能把所有的知识点全都连到一起了,不再是分散的,而是形成一个整体了,那种感觉是仅仅深入钻研知识点而不写真实项目的人所不能体会的,一个项目就是一根绳子可以把大片的知识串到一起, 就这样,我用了两个月也把项目给学完了,其实学完教程差不错就达到就业水平,但是我可能觉得自己学历低还是把那6个顶级企业项目才去找工作,
So I just to resume 51 crazy, because my record of formal schooling, specialized subject didn't graduate, really, big companies no one would want me, so I threw the small company is a private, I hope my efforts to repay you, never thought for a few days later, have the interview, but for the first time I failed the interview, although I think the written very well, because I had prepared before, but their demand is strict, needs to have one year experience in project, so I didn't selected,
Subsequently interviewed several companies, finally, everything comes to him who waits, I finally on the interview, is a private enterprise in minhang, the relatively small size company, my job is web front-end development programmers, but I also meet, open of salary is $4500 a month, although I know 4500 can only live a life of subsistence in Shanghai, but I think I enough, at least I don't want to rely on parents, every day I can feed myself, I think as long as I continue to work hard, I will double salary,
Write this article, and I do hope to be able to make the friend without basic confidence, actually we don't need to feel inferior, we won't someone stupid, as long as we work hard, we will be successful,

CodePudding user response:

Bang-bang dalai's inspirational
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