Home > Net > C #, please can you define a data type such as int
C #, please can you define a data type such as int
As we know, in c #, int is System. Int32 alias, however, such an alias to define? My needs are: the program, the extensive use of Dictionary Type used for parameter passing, So I need in most of the writing Dictionary< program; String, object> , it's too long, want to customize a type name, such as: myDic, can let the program know that it is equivalent to Dictionary ,
Tried to write this a static class to implement global: Public static myDic: Dictionary {} Make myDic Dictionary The derived class, But in actual development process, the derived class can be directly to the parent class, need packing conversely, when the parameters of the function is defined as the myDic, are not directly Dictionary Type, need (myDic) to the box, and trouble,
What exactly have what good method, to write a myDic data type?
CodePudding user response:
To use an alias? Into the Namespace Using MyDic=System. Collections. Generic. Dictionary;
CodePudding user response:
Do you want to need not dynamic
CodePudding user response:
CodePudding user response:
God using the term, which was packing
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