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Using the program execution when external command way to backup the mysql database hint "direct


Program release on the company's servers, using a mysql database, how to implement the server on the page click the backup button on the mysql database backup, I the current way is:
Public static void BackupOrRestoreDB (string HostName, string PWD, string DbName, string filename)
The Process of p=new Process ();
P. tartInfo. FileName="CMD. Exe";
P. tartInfo. UseShellExecute=false;
P. tartInfo. RedirectStandardInput=true;
P. tartInfo. RedirectStandardOutput=true;
P. tartInfo. RedirectStandardError=true;
P. tartInfo. CreateNoWindow=true;
//bin directory specified MySql program
p. tartInfo. WorkingDirectory=GetMysqlPath () + "\ \ bin";
P. tart ();

/* * * * * * * * * * * * *
* the backup command
* * * * * * * * * * * * * */
//simple format
//string strSql="mysqldump - quick - host= -u root - pdstest2011 dsrsksdb_v6 & gt; D: \ \ test_20151227110010. SQL ";
If (Directory. The Exists (AppSetting. GetConfig (" AppSetting: DBBakpath "))==false)
Directory. CreateDirectory (AppSetting. GetConfig (" AppSetting: DBBakpath "));
String strSql="mysqldump - quick - host=" + HostName + "-u root -p" + + "" + DbName +" PWD & gt; "+ AppSetting. GetConfig (" AppSetting: DBBakpath") + filename + ". The SQL ";

P. tandardInput. WriteLine (strSql + "& amp; The exit ");
P. tandardInput. AutoFlush=true;
//display mode 2
The string result=p. tandardOutput. ReadToEnd ();
Console. WriteLine (result);

//return Warning results - Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
String result2=p. tandardError. ReadToEnd ();
Console. WriteLine (result2);

//display mode 3
ShowValue (p);

P.W aitForExit ();
P.C lose ();

Public static string GetMysqlPath ()
String strPath=string. The Empty;
String STRSQL="select @ @ basedir as basePath from dual";
The DataSet dsLJ=DbHelperMySQL. Query (STRSQL);
if (! DsLJ. DsIsNullOrEmpty ())
StrPath=dsLJ. Tables [0]. Rows [0] [r]. "basePath" ToString ();
StrPath=strPath. Replace ("/", "\ ");
Return strPath;

When the database in the phone when I use this way to be successful backup, when the database on the company server for backup will prompt "directory name is invalid, I change how to solve?
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