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Write their own how to publish a web site??????


To make it clear that I am a novice, junior self-taught asp.net recently wrote a your own website (a web site), after you've written for publication on the IIS, but found that there are many, many, many problems, on the VS can run too perfect, but is not on IIS, I also intend to release to the Internet, domain names are bought, as a result,,,,

The first question, I write the site called???????

I saw on the website of released video is only a UI that project files, my simple three-layer need??????? Part of the operating database used to spare?

Please answer!!!!!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

Online video that's right, the other three layers will be compiled into the assembly references to your UI under the bin directory of the projects

CodePudding user response:

First of all, suggest you look for on the Internet site configuration method of the IIS in under IIS will write good website! Vs itself has release function

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor l403256384 response:
online video that's right, the other three layers will be compiled into the assembly references to your UI that project under the bin directory of

I put up, forbid to browse to set the default directory document CSS can't work after the startup directory browsing can directly access the main page, strange!!!!!!!!!! And couldn't even database,,,,

CodePudding user response:

Right-click on the project and select "" release" "

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

What's the problem, also didn't say ah, can't use, development use, excessive reliance on release, real deployment problem won't again

CodePudding user response:

Call don't call site, and what is the file, there are several directory root has nothing to do,

However, you are divided into so many "project" I feel a bit redundant, is divided into multiple projects, it is best to simulate multiple teams, such as a company have more than one branch, each branch is responsible for the development of a project, and then the front in the future, "" a few people, a site of use to other teams products (not from the Internet to find open source third-party products), by this time was divided into multiple projects, the same team, or even individuals, usually don't see any need to split into multiple projects, in a project into different sub directory administrator source is sufficient,

Your own DAL is superfluous, she does not know it? If you don't know deleted it,

reference qq_33900610 reply: 3/f
Quote: refer to 1st floor l403256384 response:

Online video that's right, the other three layers will be compiled into the assembly references to your UI that project under the bin directory of

I put up, forbid to browse to set the default directory document CSS can't work after the startup directory browsing can directly access the main page, strange!!!!!!!!!! And couldn't even database,,,,

Will only copy somebody else's code of the people, most of whom were "self-study" (including in some irresponsible training course), because the development of study and practice, is to want to learn through class books usually can't see the knowledge, otherwise why spend money special learning? What basic no necessary professional knowledge in the books? Is the most basic debugging and development process, so you won't be a little bit of debugging operations, there are bugs won't even stick to debug, that means learning skills (not a word, is skill) most of them are white,

The learning, you think yourself how to debug, so you will know some principle,

CodePudding user response:

To tell you, try to release a single index. The HTML page to the Internet, you will know how to configure the virtual host,,,,

CodePudding user response:

To register a domain name
Then buy a server, small budget to buy a virtual host, a few hundred dollars a year

Can go to download ready-made site management system to do, not what all want oneself development, there is no need, such as pageadmin system, discuz system, these are very famous imperial system, domestic most web sites with these website management system

CodePudding user response:

Configure IIS, local debugging first.

CodePudding user response:

Xinyi river ink pork stand fierce price is 46 yuan a catty, whether the paper selects xinyi city pork prices are 46

CodePudding user response:

First, firstweb. This must be the UI project website
The other four projects, need to refer to come in if they site project USES
Published to the site, just released this a web site project
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