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Jqgrid dynamic load data - the treegrid, urgent to solve, thank you very much!


I use the treegrid of jqgrid plugin, due to the massive correlation data, so the initialization time show only the root element, is when click on the parent node will load the child node data, load data, step by step to improve the access speed, but don't know how to implement here, consult,
Because time is very tight, have 2 days also didn't figure out, please help to solve it, thank you very much!

The following is a part of my source code:
The function GetGrid () {
$(" # gridTable "). JqGrid ({
Url: "@ url. Content (" ~/CommonModule EpcQuery/TreeGridListJson") ",
Datatype: "json",
The treeGrid: true,
TreeGridModel: "nested",
Wbs_name ExpandColumn: ", "
ExpandColClick: true,
Height: $(window). Height () - 77,
Autowidth: true,
Mtype: "POST",
ColModel: [
{label: 'wbs_id, name:' wbs_id 'index:' wbs_id, width: 1, hidden: true, key: true},
{label: 'the WPS, name:' wbs_name 'index:' wbs_name, width: 280},
{label: 'operation code, name:' task_code, index: 'task_code, width: 80, align: "right"},
{label: 'job name, name:' task_name, index: 'task_name, width: 80, align: "right"}

onSelectRow: function (id) {
Var wbsid=GetJqGridValue (" # gridTable ", id, "wbs_id");
//alert (wbsid); Don't know how to implement here, you need to determine whether there is a child node data


Pager: "false",
RowNum: 1000,
//rownumbers: true,
ShrinkToFit: false
# gridTable columnModelData (" ");

Anxious to reply, thank you very much!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

The original poster out yet, and popularity

CodePudding user response:

Certainly had something to do with events

CodePudding user response:

The building Lord this effect is achieved? Popularization, do this effect, I don't know how to do
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