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How to split data from groupby into columns


I create new table from group by function as follow

(339.999, 566.0] Bad 9829
(339.999, 566.0] Good 101495
(566.0, 788.0] Bad 336
(566.0, 788.0] Good 2345
(788.0, 1011.0] Bad 1910
(788.0, 1011.0] Good 24616

with code:

df[['BIRTH_RATE', 'Credit','ID']].groupby(by=['BIRTH_RATE','Credit']).count()

And I would like to split Credit row into columns

(Credit Total = Good   Bad)
(Bad rate = (Bad/Total)*100)
BIRTH_RATE Credit Total Bad Good Bad rate
(339.999, 566.0] 111324 9829 101495 8.8
(566.0, 788.0] 2681 336 2345 12.5
(788.0, 1011.0] 26526 1910 24616 7.2

I have try to create Credit Total with the following code

df.groupby(["BIRTH_RATE"]).agg(Credit=('Credit', 'count'))

CodePudding user response:

Use pivot to reformat your dataframe and assign to create the two new columns:

out = df.pivot_table(values='ID', index='BIRTH_RATE', columns='Credit', aggfunc='sum') \
        .assign(**{'Credit Total': lambda x: x['Bad'] x['Good'],
                   'Bad Rate': lambda x: round(x['Bad']/(x['Bad'] x['Good'])*100, 1)}) \

# Output:
         BIRTH_RATE   Bad    Good  Credit Total  Bad Rate
0  (339.999, 566.0]  9829  101495        111324       8.8
1    (566.0, 788.0]   336    2345          2681      12.5
2   (788.0, 1011.0]  1910   24616         26526       7.2

CodePudding user response:

Here's a pretty straight forward way to do it. Get your good/bad columns witha simple pivot. Then it's very easy to calculate the rest.

df = df.pivot(index='BIRTH_RATE',columns='Credit',values='ID').reset_index().rename_axis(None,axis=1)
df['Credit Total'] = df['Bad'] df['Good']
df['Bad Rate'] = (df['Bad']/df['Credit Total'])*100


         BIRTH_RATE   Bad    Good  Credit Total   Bad Rate
0  (339.999, 566.0]  9829  101495        111324   8.829183
1    (566.0, 788.0]   336    2345          2681  12.532637
2   (788.0, 1011.0]  1910   24616         26526   7.200483
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