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Property doesn't change value


I'm making a basic form and I wanted to make the button visible only if all the fields were valid.


    <form @submit="send" method="POST">
      <input id="name" type="text" placeholder="Nome" required minlength="3" maxlength="25" v-model="nome" @input="checkName" />
      <div >{{errName}}</div>
      <input id="lastName" type="text" placeholder="Cognome" required minlength="3" maxlength="25" v-model="cognome" @input="checkLastName" />
      <div >{{errLastName}}</div>
      <input id="email" type="email" placeholder="Email" required minlength="7" v-model="email" @input="checkEmail" />
      <div >{{errEmail}}</div>
      <input id="password" type="password" placeholder="Password" required minlength="3" maxlength="25" v-model="password" @input="checkPass" />
      <div >{{errPass}}</div>
      <button :style="buttonStyle" type="submit">INVIA</button>

SCRIPT (only the data()):

data() {
    return {
      nome: '',
      cognome: '',
      email: '',
      password: '',

      errName: '',
      errLastName: '',
      errEmail: '',
      errPass: '',

      validName: false,
      validLastName: false,
      validEmail: false,
      validPass: false,

      validForm: (this.validName && this.validLastName && this.validEmail && this.validPass),
      buttonStyle: (this.validForm) ? 'display: block' : 'display: none'

I was expecting this.validForm to become true once all the others were true, but instead, it stays false no matter what I do.

Some things I tried:

  1. Setting all valid* to true // DIDN'T WORK
validName: true,
validLastName: true,
validEmail: true,
validPass: true,
  1. Setting validForm to true // DIDN'T WORK
validForm: true,
buttonStyle: (this.validForm) ? 'display: block' : 'display: none'
  1. Swapping the returns on buttonStyle // SHOWED THE BUTTON
buttonStyle: (this.validForm) ? 'display: none' : 'display: block'

As I said, the last try actually showed the button...but it's obviously not what I wanted.
I'm new to Vue so I'm still learning all the functionalities.

CodePudding user response:


Without seeing any of your logic I couldn't tell you how to fix the boolean but instead of using the buttonStyle property you should use v-if.

v-if will make your component render ONLY when the boolean inside of it is true.


var isTrue = true;

<button v-if='1 < 2'></button>      // Will Render
<button v-if=isTrue></button>       // Will Render
<button v-if='1   1 == 7'></button> // Will NOT Render


Here's the documentation if you'd like to look into it more:

enter image description here

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