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Return data from long running Task on demand


I want to create a Task, which may run for many minutes, collecting data via an API call to another system. At some point in the future I need to stop the task and return the collected data. This future point is unknown at the time of starting the task.

I have read many question about returning data from tasks, but I can't find any that answer this scenario. I may be missing a trick, but all of the examples actually seem to wait in the man thread for the task to finish before continuing. This seems counter-intuitive, surely the purpose of a task is to hand off an activity whilst continuing with other activities in your main thread? Here is one of those many examples, taken from DotNetPearls..

namespace TaskBasedAsynchronousProgramming
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine($"Main Thread Started");
            Task<double> task1 = Task.Run(() => 
                return CalculateSum(10);
            Console.WriteLine($"Sum is: {task1.Result}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Main Thread Completed");
        static double CalculateSum(int num)
            double sum = 0;
            for (int count = 1; count <= num; count  )
                sum  = count;
            return sum;

Is it possible to do what I need, and have a long-running task running in parallel, stop it and return the data at an arbitrary future point?

CodePudding user response:

Here is a sample application how you can do that:

static double partialResult = -1;
static void Main()
    CancellationTokenSource calculationEndSignal = new(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3));
    Task meaningOfLife = Task.Run(() => 
    calculationEndSignal.Token.Register(() => Console.WriteLine(partialResult));

static async Task GetTheMeaningOfLife(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    foreach (var semiResult in Enumerable.Range(1, 42))
        partialResult = semiResult;
        await Task.Delay(1000);
  • partialResult is a shared variable between the two threads
    • The worker thread (GetTheMeaningOfLife) only writes it
    • The main thread (Main) only reads it
    • The read operation is performed only after the Task has been cancelled
  • calculationEndSignal is used to cancel the long-running operation
    • I've have specified a timeout, but you can call the Cancel method if you want
  • meaningOfLife is the Task which represents the long-running operation call
  • I have passed the CancellationToken to the GetTheMeaningOfLife and to the Task.Run as well
    • For this very simple example the Task.Run should not need to receive the token but it is generally a good practice to pass there as well
  • Register is receiving a callback which should be called after the token is cancelled
  • ReadLine can be any other computation
    • I've used ReadLine to keep the application running
  • GetTheMeaningOfLife simply increments the partialResult shared variable
    • either until it reaches the meaning of life
    • or until it is cancelled

CodePudding user response:

Here is one approach. It features a CancellationTokenSource that is used as a stopping mechanism, instead of its normal usage as a cancellation mechanism. That's because you want to get the partial results, and a canceled Task does not propagate results:

CancellationTokenSource stoppingTokenSource = new();

Task<List<int>> longRunningTask = Task.Run(() =>
    List<int> list = new();
    for (int i = 1; i <= 60; i  )
        if (stoppingTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) break;

        // Simulate a synchronous operation that has 1 second duration.
    return list;

Then, somewhere else in your program, you can send a stopping signal to the task, and then await asynchronously until the task acknowledges the signal and completes successfully. The await will also propagate the partial results:

List<int> partialResults = await longRunningTask;

Or, if you are not in an asynchronous workflow, you can wait synchronously until the partial results are available:

List<int> partialResults = longRunningTask.Result;
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