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Maze 2D Recursive Algorithm Issue


I've been trying to make a program that could solve a maze recursively. But I have an issue with my recursion in my algorithm method. The algorithm can only solve as far as one position for the solution.

Here's it on console:

Note "char indicators" for the 2D array:

  • '*' = walls
  • '#' = start
  • '$' = end
  • ' ' = possible path/not a wall
  • '@' = path
  • '~' = deadend

Desired output:

Presolved maze:
* * * * * * * * * * 
* # * * * * * * * * 
*   *           * * 
*   *       *   * * 
*       *   *   * * 
* * *       *   * * 
* *     *   *   * * 
* *     *   *     * 
* * * * * * *     * 
*               $ * 
* * * * * * * * * * 

Maze solution:

* * * * * * * * * * 
* # * * * * * * * * 
* @ * @ @ @ @ @ * * 
* @ * @ ~ ~ * @ * * 
* @ @ @ * ~ * @ * * 
* * * ~ ~ ~ * @ * * 
* * ~ ~ * ~ * @ * * 
* * ~ ~ * ~ * @ ~ * 
* * * * * * * @ ~ * 
* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @ $ * 
* * * * * * * * * *

Output I get:

Presolved maze:
* * * * * * * * * * 
* # * * * * * * * * 
*   *           * * 
*   *       *   * * 
*       *   *   * * 
* * *       *   * * 
* *     *   *   * * 
* *     *   *     * 
* * * * * * *     * 
*               $ * 
* * * * * * * * * * 

Maze solution:

* * * * * * * * * * 
* # * * * * * * * * 
* @ *           * * 
*   *       *   * * 
*       *   *   * * 
* * *       *   * * 
* *     *   *   * * 
* *     *   *     * 
* * * * * * *     * 
*               $ * 
* * * * * * * * * *

I've tried other solutions such as removing the recursion within the recursion within my general case but that just regressed the minor progress that my algorithm could do (which is find one position). I was wondering what else I could do instead to fix this problem? The other methods work but the method "algorithm" doesn't work like how I would like it to work.

import java.util.*;
public class maze {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    public static void allocateMaze() {
        char[][] mazeArr = {{'*','*','*','*','*','*','*','*','*','*'},//0
                            {'*',' ','*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','*','*'},//2
                            {'*',' ','*',' ',' ',' ','*',' ','*','*'},//3
                            {'*',' ',' ',' ','*',' ','*',' ','*','*'},//4
                            {'*','*','*',' ',' ',' ','*',' ','*','*'},//5
                            {'*','*',' ',' ','*',' ','*',' ','*','*'},//6
                            {'*','*',' ',' ','*',' ','*',' ',' ','*'},//7
                            {'*','*','*','*','*','*','*',' ',' ','*'},//8
                            {'*',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','$','*'},//9
        //setting row and col to 0 for display method
        int row = 0;
        int col = 0;
        System.out.println("Presolved maze:");
        displayMaze(mazeArr, row, col); //displays presolved maze
        row = 1;
        col = 1;
        boolean isSolved = false;
        System.out.println("\nMaze solution:");
        algorithm(mazeArr, row, col, isSolved); //create variable for solved maze, sends maze allocation to method that solves the maze
        row = 0;
        col = 0;
        displayMaze(mazeArr, row, col); //displays traced   solved maze

    public static void displayMaze(char[][] mazeArr, int row, int col) {
        if (row < mazeArr.length) { //iterate through all (11) rows
            if (col < mazeArr[row].length) { //iterate through all (11) columns
                System.out.print(mazeArr[row][col]   " "); //displays the current index in the array
                displayMaze(mazeArr, row, col 1); //repeats this method by iterating through the columns first
            System.out.println(); //enters the line after each row for display purposes
            displayMaze(mazeArr, row 1, col=0); //repeats this method by iterating through the rows
    public static char[][] algorithm(char[][] mazeArr, int row, int col, boolean isSolved){
        boolean isPath = false; // assume there is no path

        if (mazeArr[row][col] == '$' && isSolved == true) { // IF MAZE IS COMPLETELY SOLVED
            return mazeArr;

            if (isSolved == false && isPath == false) { // start searching thru the maze, assume there is no path
                // THERE IS NO DEAD END
                if (mazeArr[row - 1][col] == ' ') { // if north has a path
                    mazeArr[row - 1][col] = '@'; // block off path to not go back here again
                    isPath = true; // there is a path
                    isSolved = false; // assume maze is still not solved
                    return algorithm(mazeArr, row--, col, isSolved); // repeat process going to next north spot
                if (mazeArr[row][col   1] == ' ') { // if east has a path
                    mazeArr[row][col   1] = '@'; // block off path to not go back here again
                    isPath = true; // there is a path
                    isSolved = false; // assume maze is still not solved

                    return algorithm(mazeArr, row, col  , isSolved); // repeat process going to next east spot
                if (mazeArr[row   1][col] == ' ') { // if south has a path
                    mazeArr[row   1][col] = '@'; // block off path to not go back here again
                    isPath = true; // there is a path
                    isSolved = false; // assume maze is still not solved
                    return algorithm(mazeArr, row  , col, isSolved); // repeat process going to next south spot
                if (mazeArr[row][col - 1] == ' ') { // if west has a path
                    mazeArr[row][col - 1] = '@'; // block off path to not go back here again
                    isPath = true; // there is a path
                    isSolved = false; // assume maze is still not solved
                    return algorithm(mazeArr, row, col--, isSolved); // repeat process going to next west spot
                if (mazeArr[row][col] == '$') { // if you have reached the end of the maze
                    isSolved = true; // maze has been solved
                    return algorithm(mazeArr, row, col, isSolved); // algorithm will recognize

            } else { // finds alternate path if there's a dead end
                if (mazeArr[row][col] != '#') {
                mazeArr[row][col] = '~'; //indicates that this index is a dead end
                if (isPath == false) {
                    if (mazeArr[row - 1][col] == '@' && mazeArr[row - 1][col] != '#') { // if north was a path
                        isPath = true; 
                        isSolved = false;
                        return algorithm(mazeArr, row--, col, isSolved); //returns to initial position before hitting dead end
                if (isPath == false) {
                    if (mazeArr[row][col 1] == '@' && mazeArr[row][col 1] != '#') { // if east was a path
                        isPath = true; 
                        isSolved = false;
                        return algorithm(mazeArr, row, col  , isSolved); //returns to initial position before hitting dead end
                if (isPath == false) {
                    if (mazeArr[row   1][col] == '@' && mazeArr[row   1][col] != '#') { // if south was a path
                        isPath = true; 
                        isSolved = false;
                        return algorithm(mazeArr, row  , col, isSolved); //returns to initial position before hitting dead end
                if (isPath == false) {
                    if (mazeArr[row][col-1] == '@' && mazeArr[row][col-1] != '#') { // if west was a path
                        isPath = true; 
                        return algorithm(mazeArr, row, col--, isSolved); //returns to initial position before hitting dead end
                if (isPath == false) { // if there's no way out, that means there is no solution
                    System.out.println("No Solution");              
                    return mazeArr;
            return mazeArr;

CodePudding user response:

You need to put the or -- before row or col on when you recall algorithm(). When one of these comes after a variable, the variable gets incremented, but not the value that comes out:

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 5;
        int y = x  ;
        System.out.println(x   " "   y);


6 5

Above x incremented x, but y was set to value of x before. To fix it put the increment before the variable, like row:

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 5;
        int y =   x;
        System.out.println(x   " "   y);


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