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Concatenate array of json values PostgreSQL


I have a table below

Column Type
id integer
caseworker uuid
data jsonb

which contains the following data

id caseworker data
1 sally {"CaseNumber": "001","claimant": "Barbara","Location": "Manchester","unavailableDates": [{"id": "0372d8d7-2778-4175-8826-xxxxxxxxxxb0","value": "2022-01-24"},{"id": "f7f83778-7ab1-4b33-abe5-xxxxxxxxxxf4","value": "2022-01-25"}]"defense":{"defendant": "Mariah","Location": "Manchester","unavailableDates": [{"id": "0372d8d7-2778-4175-8826-xxxxxxxxxxz0","value": "2022-01-24"},{"id": "0372d8d7-2778-4175-8826-xxxxxxxxxxz1","value": "2022-01-25"},{"id": "f7f83778-7ab1-4b33-abe5-xxxxxxxxxxz4","value": "2022-01-26"}]}}
2 jason {"CaseNumber": "002","claimant": "Michael","Location": "London","unavailableDates": [{"id": "0372d8d7-2778-4175-8826-xxxxxxxxxxb1","value": "2022-02-24"},{"id": "f7f83778-7ab1-4b33-abe5-xxxxxxxxxxf5","value": "2022-02-25"}]"defense":{"defendant": "Killian","Location": "London","unavailableDates": [{"id": "0372d8d7-2778-4175-8826-xxxxxxxxxxz1","value": "2022-02-24"},{"id": "0372d8d7-2778-4175-8826-xxxxxxxxxxz2","value": "2022-02-25"},{"id": "f7f83778-7ab1-4b33-abe5-xxxxxxxxxxz5","value": "2022-02-26"}]}}
3 william {"CaseNumber": "003","claimant": "Lisa","Location": "Birmingham","defense":{"defendant": "Larry","Location": "London","unavailableDates": {"id": "0372d8d7-2778-4175-8826-xxxxxxxxxxz2","value": "2022-02-24"},{"id": "0372d8d7-2778-4175-8826-xxxxxxxxxxz3","value": "2022-02-25"},{"id": "f7f837787ab1-4b33-abe5-xxxxxxxxxxz6","value": "2022-02-26"}]}}
4 ricky {"CaseNumber": "004","claimant": "Leon","Location": "Isle of Man","unavailableDates": [{"id": "0372d8d7-2778-4175-8826-xxxxxxxxxxz3","value": "2022-02-24"},{"id": "0372d8d7-2778-4175-8826-xxxxxxxxxxz5","value": "2022-02-25"},{"id": "f7f83778-7ab1-4b33-abe5-xxxxxxxxxxz7","value": "2022-02-26"}]"defense":{"defendant": "Cillian","Location": "Birmingham",}}
5 megan {"CaseNumber": "005","claimant": "Gavin","Location": "Bristol","defense":{"defendant": "John","Location": "Isle of Man",}}

I'm quite new to PostgreSQL query and JSON and would like to get an output as something like below. Is it possible to do it in a single query (and if not maybe use a WITH AS () to create the 'temp' table and then query that temp table)? I've been playing with both STRING_AGG and jsonb_array_elements but I can't get the output below that I want.

caseworker Case Number Claimant Clm_Loc Clm_Unavail_Dates Defendant Def_Loc Def_Unavail_Dates
sally 001 Barbara Manchester "2022-01-24", "2022-01-25" Mariah Manchester "2022-01-24", "2022-01-25", "2022-01-26"
jason 002 Michael London "2022-02-24", "2022-02-25" Killian London "2022-02-24", "2022-02-25", "2022-02-26"
william 003 Lisa Birmingham Larry London "2022-02-24", "2022-02-25", "2022-02-26"
ricky 004 Leon Isle of Man "2022-02-24", "2022-02-25", "2022-02-26" Cillian Birmingham
megan 005 Gavin Bristol John Isle of Man

Hope someone can help :).

CodePudding user response:

If you can live with a JSON array for the dates, this is quite easy.

Use ->> to extract a key value as a string. The dates can be extracted as a JSON array using jsonb_path_query_array()

select caseworker, 
       data ->> 'CaseNumber' as casenumber,
       data ->> 'claimant' as claimant,
       data ->> 'Location' as clm_loc, 
       jsonb_path_query_array(data, '$.unavailableDates.value') as Clm_Unavail_Dates,
       data -> 'defense' ->> 'defendant' as defendant,
       data -> 'defense' ->> 'Location' as def_loc,
       jsonb_path_query_array(data, '$.defense.unavailableDates.value') as Def_Unavail_Dates
from the_table       

Online example

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