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Save the input from the user make even after reload/refresh


I wanted to to add a function that every time the user refresh, reload or even close the page, the user to able to see the data (added books) whatever the user had entered previously or choose in the .

Also when the user make an update and refresh they show be able to see the change.

javascript file

console.log('This is ES6 version of project 2');

class Book {

    constructor(name, author, type) {
        this.name = name;
        this.author = author;
        this.type = type;

class Display {
    add(book) {
        console.log('Adding to UI');
        let tableBody = document.getElementById('tableBody')
        let uiString = `<tr>
        tableBody.innerHTML  = uiString;


    clear() {
        let libraryForm = document.getElementById('libraryForm');

    validate(book) {
        if (book.name.length < 2 || book.author.length < 2) {
            return false;
        else {
            return true;

    show (type, displayMessage) {
        let message = document.getElementById('message');
        let boldText;
        if (type === 'success'){
            boldText = 'Success';
            boldText = 'Error!';
        message.innerHTML = `<div  role="alert">
                                <strong>${boldText}:</strong> ${displayMessage}
                                <button type="button"  data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
                                <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
        setTimeout(function () {
            message.innerHTML = '';
        }, 5000);

// Add submit event listener to libraryForm
let libraryForm = document.getElementById('libraryForm');
libraryForm.addEventListener('submit', libraryFormSubmit);

function libraryFormSubmit(e) {
    console.log('You have submitted library form')
    let name = document.getElementById('bookName').value;
    let author = document.getElementById('author').value;
    let type;
    let fiction = document.getElementById('fiction');
    let programming = document.getElementById('programming');
    let cooking = document.getElementById('cooking');
    if (fiction.checked) {
        type = fiction.value;
    else if (programming.checked) {
        type = programming.value;
    else if (cooking.checked) {
        type = cooking.value;

    let book = new Book(name, author, type);

    let display = new Display();
    if (display.validate(book)) {

        display.show('success', 'Your book has been successfully added')
    else {
        // show error to the user
        display.show('danger', 'Sorry you cannot add this book.')



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    <div  id="notes">
        <form id="libraryForm">
            <h1>Juggu library</h1>
            <div >
                <label for="bookName" >Name</label>
                <div >
                    <input type="text"  id="bookName" placeholder="Book Name">
            <div >
                <label for="Author" >Author</label>
                <div >
                    <input type="text"  id="author" placeholder="Author">
            <fieldset >
                <legend >Type</legend>
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                    <div >
                        <input  type="radio" name="type" id="fiction" value="fiction" checked>
                        <label  for="fiction">
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                        <label  for="Programming">
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                        <input  type="radio" name="type" id="cooking" value="cooking">
                        <label  for="cooking">
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                    <button type="submit"  id="addBtn">Add Book</button>

        <div id="table">

            <h1>Your Books</h1>
            <table >
                        <th scope="col">Name</th>
                        <th scope="col">Author</th>
                        <th scope="col">Type</th>
                <tbody id="tableBody"> </tbody>


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CodePudding user response:

Save it to localStorage in your "add" function, and remove the localStorage item in your "clear" function. Then check localStorage on page load, and populate the UI accordingly.

add(book) {
    // ...
    let booksToAdd = [{
      name: book.name,
      author: book.author,
      type: book.type
    if ( localStorage.getItem('books') === null ) {
      localStorage.setItem('books', JSON.stringify(booksToAdd));
    } else {
      let data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('books'));
      localStorage.setItem('books', JSON.stringify(data));
    // ...

clear() {
  // ...
  // ...

CodePudding user response:

I don't usually write code for others for free, but your app was really exciting and the design was so

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