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Using specific x axis order and plotting together 4 plots in R


I have been using ggplot geom_boxplot and arranging the x axis according to a specific order with scale_x_discrete resulting in a perfect plot. Then I try to arrange 4 of these plots using ggarrange, but that overrides the order of the groups. How can I do both? thank you

H_p<-ggplot (DiversData, aes(x=site, y=H, color=site))  
H_p   scale_x_discrete(limits=c("Achziv", "SdotYam", "Sharon", "Ashdod", "Ashkelon"))  labs(title="Shannon fish diversity", x = "", y = "H", color = "Site")   theme_classic()   theme(legend.position="none")

One of the 4 original plots

Then when I tile them:

ggarrange(p_vis2   rremove("x.text")  rremove("xlab"), H_p    rremove("x.text")  rremove("xlab"), S_p    rremove("x.text")  rremove("xlab"), J_p   rremove("x.text")  rremove("xlab"),
                    labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
                    ncol = 2, nrow = 2,common.legend = TRUE, legend = "bottom",
                    align = "hv", 
                    font.label = list(c("Achziv", "SdotYam", "Sharon", "Ashdod", "Ashkelon"),size = 10, color = "black", face = "bold", family = NULL, position = "top") )

The x axis goes back to ABC order

Thank you so much!

CodePudding user response:

First, turn your 'site' column into a character vector (having not seen your existing dataset, I don't know if it's a character or factor, so this step may be redundant).

DiversData$site<- as.character(DiversData$site)

Secondly, turn it back to a factor with the levels in the desired order

DiversData$site<- factor(DiversData$site, levels=c("Achziv", "SdotYam", "Sharon", "Ashdod", "Ashkelon"))

then plot as before:

H_p<-ggplot (DiversData, aes(x=site, y=H, color=site))  


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