I have few strings like:
This is a beautiful string 1 - written by a dog
This is a beautiful string 2 written by a fly
This is a beautiful string 3 ewh
With python, I want to remove everything that comes after string X. After filtration I want the string to be:
This is a beautiful string 1
This is a beautiful string 2
This is a beautiful string 3
There can be anything after "string", it's not necessary that it'll be a number.
Is this possible?
I looked for ways of doing this and found .rsplit() but it didn't work the way I expected.
CodePudding user response:
I guess simple regexp will do the job:
import re
p = re.compile("string \d ")
for line in lines:
if resp := p.search(line):
CodePudding user response:
Code you can try:
import re
s1 = "This is a beautiful string 1 - written by a dog"
my_regex = re.compile(r"(?P<final>This is a beautiful string)")
output_s1 = re.search(my_regex, s1)['final']
"This is a beautiful string"
CodePudding user response:
Assuming this is your string
x = """This is a beautiful string 1 - written by a dog
This is a beautiful string 2 written by a fly
This is a beautiful string 3 ewh"""
For single line:
print(x.replace((x[x.index("g") 3:]), ""))
This is a beautiful string 1
For everyline:
print([y.replace((y[y.index("g") 3:]), "") for y in x.splitlines()])
['This is a beautiful string 1', 'This is a beautiful string 2', 'This is a beautiful string 3']
CodePudding user response:
x=This is a beautiful string 1 - written by a dog
y=This is a beautiful string 2 written by a fly
z=This is a beautiful string 3 ewh
for i in range (1,len(list) 1):
sep='string {}'.format(i)
string=list[i-1].split(sep,1)[0] sep
CodePudding user response:
Use re.match
or re.findall
import re
string1 = 'This is a beautiful string 1 - written by a dog'
string2 = 'This is a beautiful string 2 written by a fly'
string3 = 'This is a beautiful string 3 ewh'
string4 = 'This is a beautiful string whatever by me'
res1 = re.match('(.*string \w )', string1)[0]
res2 = re.findall('(.*string \w )', string2)[0]
res3 = re.match('(.*string \w )', string3)[0]
res4 = re.findall('(.*string \w )', string4)[0]
print(res1), print(res2), print(res3), print(res4)
# This is a beautiful string 1
# This is a beautiful string 2
# This is a beautiful string 3
# This is a beautiful string whatever