Home > Net >  WCF transmission to TransferMode. Streamed host. Open the problem of failure
WCF transmission to TransferMode. Streamed host. Open the problem of failure


The HTML code is as follows, consult everybody, why tcpBinding. TransferMode=TransferMode. Streamed; Don't start, the pop-up dialog, tips are as follows:
"Protocol requires session, but the binding NetTcpBinding or does not support it because of configuration is not correct, unable to support it,

//get the native IP
String IP=GetIP ();
String tcpaddress=the string. Format (" net. TCP://{0}, {1}/", IP, ServerPort);
//set netTCP agreement
NetTcpBinding tcpBinding=new NetTcpBinding ();
TcpBinding. MaxBufferPoolSize=2147483647;
TcpBinding. MaxReceivedMessageSize=2147483647;
TcpBinding. MaxBufferSize=2147483647;

TcpBinding. ReceiveTimeout=TimeSpan. MaxValue.
TcpBinding. SendTimeout=TimeSpan. MaxValue.
//to provide safe transmission
TcpBinding. Security. Mode=SecurityMode. None;
TcpBinding. TransferMode=TransferMode. Buffered;
//will need to provide certificate
TcpBinding. Security. Transport. ClientCredentialType=TcpClientCredentialType. Certificate;
//add multiple service endpoints
//use specified in the agreement, binding and endpoint address in the add service endpoint to the hosted service
//netTcp protocol endpoints
//define the service host
ServiceHost host=new ServiceHost (typeof (MainServer), the new Uri (tcpaddress));//typeof for class type
Host. AddServiceEndpoint (typeof (IMainServer), tcpBinding, tcpaddress);//typeof for interface type

# region to add behavior
////metadata release behavior
ServiceMetadataBehavior behaviors=new ServiceMetadataBehavior ();
Behaviors. HttpGetEnabled=false;
//set to the Host
The host. The Description. Behaviors. The Add (Behaviors);
# endregion
//set the data exchange type
Host. AddServiceEndpoint (typeof (IMetadataExchange), MetadataExchangeBindings. CreateMexTcpBinding (), "tex-mex");
//start the service
The host. The Open ();
SetToolStripStatusLabelMessage (enclosing toolStripStatusLabel1, string Format (" service started successfully, running... {0} ", tcpaddress), Color, Green);
The catch (Exception ex)
SetToolStripStatusLabelMessage (enclosing toolStripStatusLabel1, service failure "started the Color, Red);
MessageBox. Show (ex. The Message, "service start failure");
Environment. The Exit (0);
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