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The DLL functions in the c, parameters for STD: : string &


//in c + + DLL functions, parameters for STD: : string& Initialization, the function of eye
Bool Init (CommonLms3DScanPlatformError & amp; Err,//the enumeration
Unsigned short deviceIndex,
Const STD: : string& LmsIPAddr,
Unsigned short lmsPort,
Const STD: : string& ControlSysIPAddr,
Unsigned short controlSysPort=5000,
Double dUserAngleOffsetToCordXAxis=0.0,
Double iDistanceOffsetToRotateCenter=0.66,
Double angOffsetToHorizontal=0.0);

CommonLms3DScanPlatformError & amp; Err: error code, if the return value is true you do not need to pay close attention to
Unsigned short deviceIndex: equipment index number, making it easy for users to distinguish between equipment,
Conststd: : string& LmsIPAddr: LMS sensor TCP/IP address
UnsignedshortlmsPort: LMS sensor of TCP/IP port
Conststd: : string& ControlSysIPAddr: platform controller of TCP/IP address
UnsignedshortcontrolSysPort: platform controller of TCP/IP port
DoubledUserAngleOffsetToCordXAxis: user is used to control yuntai absolute coordinate system of the Z axis control quantity, generally fill 0.0 can (unit:)
IntiDistanceOffsetToRotateCenter: the installation of sensors center and the center of rotation offset (unit: dm.)
DoubleangOffsetToHorizontal: when rotating platform in a horizontal plane, the Angle of the encoder (unit:)

CodePudding user response:

Has been submitted to the System. AccessViolationException: "trying to read or write protected memory, this usually indicates other memory has been damaged," the fault, bosses know how to solve
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