I've been trying to make a generic function that will check if a value is null, otherwise it'll set the property on the entity to that value. Seems simple, thought I had it, but got a bit of a problem when the Type of the Property is not nullable (int) but the type of the value is obviously nullable (int?). Strings work fine, as they are nullable anyway.
UpdateEntityPropertyIfNotNull(entity, entity => entity.Id, request.Id);
So here, the entity Id is of type int but the request Id value is of type int? => generic function ends up just thinking they are both int?
This is my attempt at making the generic function:
private void UpdateEntityPropertyIfNotNull<T, TProperty>(T entity, Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> propertyFunc, TProperty valueToSet)
if (valueToSet == null)
//if (propertyFunc.Body.NodeType != ExpressionType.MemberAccess)
// throw new ArgumentException("This should be a member getter", nameof(propertyFunc));
MemberExpression? member;
switch (propertyFunc.Body.NodeType)
case ExpressionType.Convert:
case ExpressionType.ConvertChecked:
var unary = propertyFunc.Body as UnaryExpression;
member = (unary?.Operand) as MemberExpression;
member = propertyFunc.Body as MemberExpression;
var underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(TProperty)) ?? typeof(TProperty);
var model = propertyFunc.Parameters[0];
var value = Expression.Variable(underlyingType, nameof(model));
var assignment = Expression.Assign(member, value);
var lambdaExpression = Expression.Lambda<Action<T, TProperty>>(assignment, model, value).Compile();
lambdaExpression(entity, valueToSet);
Any advice would be great, I hate the idea of having to do the conditional checks manually...
CodePudding user response:
You need to group your constraints together, essentially creating a nullable value type constraint, and an other:
private void UpdateEntityPropertyIfNotNull<T, TProperty>(T entity, Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> propertyFunc, TProperty valueToSet)
if (!typeof(TProperty).IsValueType && valueToSet is null)
UpdateEntityProperty(entity, propertyFunc, valueToSet);
private void UpdateEntityPropertyIfNotNull<T, TProperty>(T entity, Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> propertyFunc, TProperty? valueToSet)
where TProperty : struct
if (!valueToSet.HasValue)
UpdateEntityProperty(entity, propertyFunc, valueToSet.Value);
private void UpdateEntityPropertyIfNotNull<T, TProperty>(T entity, Expression<Func<T, TProperty?>> propertyFunc, TProperty? valueToSet)
where TProperty : struct
if (!valueToSet.HasValue)
UpdateEntityProperty(entity, propertyFunc, valueToSet.Value);
private void UpdateEntityProperty<T, TProperty>(T entity, Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> propertyFunc, TProperty valueToSet)
// snip
You get compile-time validity that your parameters are correctly handled, and it encompasses reference-types, value-types, and nullable value-types.
The last change is to update UpdateEntityProperty<T, TProperty>()
to either
var underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(typeof(TProperty)) ?? typeof(TProperty);
var underlyingType = typeof(TProperty);
or remove it and just use typeof()
var value = Expression.Variable(typeof(TProperty), nameof(model));