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Filter by boolean value angular


im trying to make a filter by the status of the user, "Ativo" for online and "Inativo" for offline, but filtering by string is giving me some headache because when i type "ativo" all the offline users still show up because the word "ativo" exists in "inativo". So i wanted to attach a false value to 'inativo' and a true to 'ativo'.

Any tips on how do i do that? I still what the filter to show "Ativo" and "Inativo" as the options in the datalist, but when selected it should send a true or false value to the filter function

This are the html and the function on ts i created

<input type="text" list="status" placeholder="Status" (keyup)="updateFilter($event)" id="stat">   
    <datalist id="status">
updateFilter(event: Event) {
    this.filterValue = (event.target as HTMLInputElement).value;    
    this.dataSource.filter = this.filterValue.trim().toLowerCase();

    if (this.dataSource.paginator) {

CodePudding user response:

Angular Material provides a way to say how the filter should be applied to the data via the filterPredicate method: https://material.angular.io/components/table/api#MatTableDataSource

Providing an arrow function to your datasource that says values should strictly be equal instead of alike should solve you problem.

this.datasource.filterPredicate = (data: YourDataType, filter: string) => {
  return data.status === filter;

CodePudding user response:

First, if your filter has strict value, you shouldn't use datalist but select. It works the same but doesn't allow the user to type in the input.

Now, there is no reason you encounter this kind of problem. Just checking if (event.target as HTMLInputElement).value === 'ativo' should be enough.

I recommand creating an enum to avoid magic string in your code, so instead of 'ativo' you will have UserStatus.ativo.

CodePudding user response:

You can use regex to do that :

var myString = 'ativio';
var myString2 = 'inativio';

new RegExp('\bativio\b').test(myString); // true

new RegExp('\bativio\b').test(myString2); // false
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