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Possible in R? Combining multiple texts (a) for each member of the group and (b) by the group


I would like to ask for your help with aggregating texts by group (dyad_id) and for each member. For each dyad, alter and ego took turns (sometimes they did not take turns, such as the third observation of dyad 111_222, where 222 initiated a new discussion).

I'm trying to combine all of the writings (with a space between each message) of each person within a focal dyad.

A sample data:

structure(list(dyad_id = c("111_222 ", "111_222 ", "111_222 ", 
"333_111 ", "333_111 "), alter = c(111, 222, 222, 333, 111), 
    ego = c(222, 111, 111, 111, 333), message_original = c("Hello my idea is this         ", 
    "I agree with your point       ", "In this essay I would like to ", 
    "I think he should not         ", "Can you tell me more          "
    ), message_ego_response = c("I agree with your point       ", 
    "Same here                     ", "That's a great idea           ", 
    "Can you tell me more          ", "Yes to elaborate              "
    )), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L), variable.labels = structure(character(0), names = character(0)), codepage = 65001L)

The above sample looks like:

 --------- ------- ----- ------------------------------- ------------------------- 
| dyad_id | alter | ego |        message_original       |   message_ego_response  |
 --------- ------- ----- ------------------------------- ------------------------- 
| 111_222 |  111  | 222 | Hello my idea is this         | I agree with your point |
 --------- ------- ----- ------------------------------- ------------------------- 
| 111_222 |  222  | 111 | I agree with your point       | Same here               |
 --------- ------- ----- ------------------------------- ------------------------- 
| 111_222 |  222  | 111 | In this essay I would like to | That's a great idea     |
 --------- ------- ----- ------------------------------- ------------------------- 
| 333_111 |  333  | 111 | I think he should not         | Can you tell me more    |
 --------- ------- ----- ------------------------------- ------------------------- 
| 333_111 |  111  | 333 | Can you tell me more          | Yes to elaborate        |
 --------- ------- ----- ------------------------------- ------------------------- 

The output I'm looking for:

 --------- --------- ----------------------- --------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 
| dyad_id | member1 |   member1's messages  | member2 |       member2's messages      |                Note                |
 --------- --------- ----------------------- --------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 
| 111_222 |   111   | Hello my idea is this |   222   | I agree with your point       | 222's "I agree with your point" is |
|         |         | Same here             |         | In this essay I would like to | a duplicate (one in 'message_ego'  |
|         |         | That's a great idea   |         |                               | and the other in 'message_alter')  |
 --------- --------- ----------------------- --------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 
| 333_111 |   333   | I think he should not |   111   | Can you tell me more          | Same here for the duplication      |
|         |         | Yes to elaborate      |         |                               |                                    |
 --------- --------- ----------------------- --------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 

CodePudding user response:

Run these steps one by one and note the comments in the code. This will help you understand what the code is doing at each step.


# This function is to remove duplicates, source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/41280102/11907016
rem_dup.one <- function(x){
  paste(unique(tolower(trimws(unlist(strsplit(x,split="(?!')[ [:punct:]]",fixed=F,perl=T))))),collapse = " ")

structure(list(dyad_id = c("111_222 ", "111_222 ", "111_222 ", 
                           "333_111 ", "333_111 "), alter = c(111, 222, 222, 333, 111), 
               ego = c(222, 111, 111, 111, 333), message_original = c("Hello my idea is this         ", 
                                                                      "I agree with your point       ", "In this essay I would like to ", 
                                                                      "I think he should not         ", "Can you tell me more          "
               ), message_ego_response = c("I agree with your point       ", 
                                           "Same here                     ", "That's a great idea           ", 
                                           "Can you tell me more          ", "Yes to elaborate              "
               )), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L), variable.labels = structure(character(0), names = character(0)), codepage = 65001L) %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  # Remove white space
  dplyr::mutate_if(is.character,~str_squish(.)) %>% 
  # Combine both messages
  tidyr::unite("message_original and message_ego_response", c(message_original, message_ego_response),sep = "_") %>% 
  # Combine alter and ego
  tidyr::unite("alter_ego",c(alter,ego),sep = "_") %>% 
  # Split into groups so that its easier to handle data and visualise steps at the same time
  dplyr::group_by_all() %>% 
  dplyr::group_split() %>% 
    .x %>% 
      # This entire set of functions will combine the message and the alter_ego code so that its easier to group similar codes together
      tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = !matches("dyad_id"),values_to = "alter_ego_message_original_message_ego_response") %>% 
      tidyr::separate(alter_ego_message_original_message_ego_response,c("alter","ego"),sep = "_",remove = F) %>%
      dplyr::select(-name) %>%
      dplyr::mutate_at(vars(matches("alter|ego")),~str_c(.,collapse = "__")) %>%
      dplyr::slice(1) %>%
      tidyr::separate(alter_ego_message_original_message_ego_response,c("alter_ego","message_original_message_ego_response"),sep = "__")
  }) %>% 
  # in the above steps, the code and messages were combined
  dplyr::group_by(dyad_id) %>% 
  # Now the combination of messages is the next step
  dplyr::group_split() %>% 
    .x %>% 
      dplyr::select(matches("dyad|alter$|^ego")) %>%
      tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = matches("alter$|^ego"),names_to = "alter/ego",values_to = "Code_message") %>% 
      dplyr::select(-`alter/ego`) %>% 
      dplyr::arrange(Code_message) %>% 
      tidyr::separate(Code_message,c("Code","message"),sep = "__") %>% 
      dplyr::group_by(Code) %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(message = str_c(message, collapse = " \n ")) %>% 
      dplyr::slice(1) %>% 
      dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
      dplyr::mutate(member = 1:n() %>% str_c("member",.)) %>% 
      tidyr::unite(Code_message,c(Code, message),sep = "_") %>% 
      tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = dyad_id,names_from = member,values_from = Code_message) %>% 
      tidyr::separate(member1,c("member1","member1's message"),sep = "_") %>% 
      tidyr::separate(member2,c("member2","member2's message"),sep = "_")
  }) %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(dyad_id) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate_at(vars(matches("message")),~rem_dup.one(.)) %>% 


dyad_id member1 `member1's message`                               member2 `member2's message`                                 
  <chr>   <chr>   <chr>                                             <chr>   <chr>                                               
1 111_222 111     "hello my idea is this  same here that's a great" 222     i agree with your point  in this essay would like to
2 333_111 111     "can you tell me more "                           333     i think he should not  yes to elaborate             

CodePudding user response:

We can use a combination of data.table and tidyverse. First, I convert to a long format using data.table, then we can clean up the empty white space (trimws), and we can create a new column to note the information about duplicate statements. Then, I collapse the statements for one person (per dyad) using str_c. Then, we can pivot back to the wide format and then clean up the column order and names.


names(df) <- c("dyad_id", "member1", "member2", "message1", "message2")

melt(setDT(df), measure = patterns("^member", "^message"), 
     value.name = c("member", "message")) %>% 
  group_by(dyad_id, member) %>% 
  mutate(message = trimws(message),
         dyad_id = trimws(dyad_id),
         notes = ifelse(duplicated(message), message, NA)) %>% 
  summarize(message = str_c(unique(message),collapse = "  "), notes = max(notes, na.rm = T)) %>% 
  mutate(idx = row_number(),
         notes = ifelse(!is.na(notes), paste0("member", row_number(), " duplicate:", notes), NA)) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = "idx", values_from = c("message", "member")) %>% 
  summarize(across(everything(), ~max(.x, na.rm = T))) %>% 
  select(dyad_id, member_1, message_1, member_2, message_2, notes) %>% 
  set_names(., c("dyad_id", "member1", "member1's message", "member2", "member2's message", "notes"))


  dyad_id member1 `member1's message`                                   member2 `member2's message`                                    notes                                    
  <chr>     <dbl> <chr>                                                   <dbl> <chr>                                                  <chr>                                    
1 111_222     111 Hello my idea is this  Same here  That's a great idea     222 I agree with your point  In this essay I would like to member2 duplicate:I agree with your point
2 333_111     111 Can you tell me more                                      333 I think he should not  Yes to elaborate                member1 duplicate:Can you tell me more   

CodePudding user response:

df <- structure(list(dyad_id = c("111_222 ", "111_222 ", "111_222 ", 
                           "333_111 ", "333_111 "),
               alter = c(111, 222, 222, 333, 111), 
               ego = c(222, 111, 111, 111, 333),
               message_original = c("Hello my idea is this         ", 
                                    "I agree with your point       ",
                                    "In this essay I would like to ",
                                    "I think he should not         ",
                                    "Can you tell me more          "),
               message_ego_response = c("I agree with your point       ",
                                        "Same here                     ",
                                        "That's a great idea           ",
                                        "Can you tell me more          ",
                                        "Yes to elaborate              ")
          class = "data.frame",
          row.names = c(NA, -5L),
          variable.labels = structure(character(0),
                                      names = character(0)),
          codepage = 65001L)

df %>% 
  separate(dyad_id, sep = "_", into = c("member1", "member2")) %>% 
    member1_messages = if_else(member1 == alter, message_original, message_ego_response),
    member2_messages = if_else(member1 == ego, message_original, "")
  ) %>%
  select(-c(alter, ego, message_original, message_ego_response)) %>% 
  group_by(member1) %>% 
    member1_messages = str_squish(paste(member1_messages, collapse = "")),
    member2_messages = str_squish(paste(member2_messages, collapse = ""))
  ) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   member1 member2 member1_messages                              member2_messages
#>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>                                         <chr>           
#> 1 111     "222 "  Hello my idea is this Same here That's a gre… I agree with yo…
#> 2 333     "111 "  I think he should not Yes to elaborate        Can you tell me…

CodePudding user response:

  1. First group_by the dyad_id column, then assign member by splitting dyad_id by "_".
  2. Since all of your columns have trailing white spaces, I removed them by stringr::str_trim().
  3. Then reorder the messages by the position in dyad_id (first two ifelse() chunks).
  4. After that, check if there's duplicates (the other two ifelse() chunks).
  5. If either Note1 or Note2 is NA, coalesce them together to replace the NA. If both of them are not NA, paste them together.
  6. In the summarize part, collapse multiple strings from the same member together.
  7. Finally, relocate the columns to your desired position.

df %>% 
  group_by(dyad_id) %>% 
  mutate(across(everything(), ~str_trim(.x, "right")),
         dyad_id = gsub(" $", "", dyad_id), 
         member1 = strsplit(dyad_id, "_")[[1]][1],
         member2 = strsplit(dyad_id, "_")[[2]][2],
         member_1_message = ifelse(paste0(alter, "_", ego) == dyad_id, message_original, message_ego_response),
         member_2_message = ifelse(paste0(alter, "_", ego) == dyad_id, message_ego_response, message_original),
         Note1 = ifelse(length(member_1_message[duplicated(member_1_message)]) == 0, 
                        paste(member1,"'s", member_1_message[duplicated(member_1_message)], "is a duplicate")),
         Note2 = ifelse(length(member_2_message[duplicated(member_2_message)]) == 0, 
                        paste(member2,"'s", member_2_message[duplicated(member_2_message)], "is a duplicate")),
         Note = ifelse(is.na(Note1) | is.na(Note2), coalesce(Note1, Note2), paste(Note1, Note2, sep = ";"))) %>% 
  summarize(across(starts_with("member"), ~paste0(unique(.x), collapse = " ")),
            Note = unique(Note)) %>% 
  relocate(dyad_id, member1, member_1_message, member2, member_2_message, Note)

# A tibble: 2 × 6
  dyad_id member1 member_1_message                                    member2 member_2_message                                      Note                                   
  <chr>   <chr>   <chr>                                               <chr>   <chr>                                                 <chr>                                  
1 111_222 111     Hello my idea is this Same here That's a great idea 222     I agree with your point In this essay I would like to 222 's I agree with your point is a duplicate
2 333_111 333     I think he should not Yes to elaborate              111     Can you tell me more                                  111 's Can you tell me more is a duplicate
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