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remove outliers from multiple columns in R


I used below codes to identify outliers on different columns:

outliers_x1 <- boxplot(mydata$x1, plot=FALSE)$out
outliers_x4 <- boxplot(mydata$x4, plot=FALSE)$out
outliers_x6 <- boxplot(mydata$x6, plot=FALSE)$out

Now, how can I remove those outliers from the dataset by one code?

CodePudding user response:

Assuming you want to do the same as in those three lines, but with a loop:

for (col in c("x1", "x4", "x6")) {
    assign(paste0("outliers_", col), boxplot(mydata[[col]], plot=FALSE)$out)

CodePudding user response:

This will set any outlier values to NA, and then optionally remove all rows where any column contains an outlier. Works with arbitrary number of columns.

Uses data.table for convenience.

#   create sample data
dt <- data.table(x1=rnorm(100), x2=rnorm(100), x3=rnorm(100))
#   incorporate possible outliers
dt[sample(100, 5), x1:=10*x1]
dt[sample(100, 5), x2:=10*x2]
dt[sample(100, 5), x3:=10*x3]
#    you start here...
#    remove all rows where any column contains an outlier
indx <- sapply(dt, \(x) !(x %in% boxplot(x, plot=FALSE)$out))

In the above, indx is a matrix with three logical columns. Each element is TRUE unless the corresponding column contained an outlier in that row. We use rowProds(...) from the matrixStats package to multiply ( & ) the 3 rows together. Unfortunately this converts everything numeric (1, 0), so we have to convert back to logical to use as an index into dt.

#   replaces outliers with NA in each column
dt.melt <- melt(dt[, id:=seq(.N)], id='id')
dt.melt[, ol:=(value %in% boxplot(value, plot=FALSE)$out), by=.(variable)]
dt.melt[(ol), value:=NA]
result <- dcast(dt.melt, id~variable)[, id:=NULL]
#   remove all rows where any column contains an outlier

In the code above we add an id column, then melt(...) so all other columns are in one column (value) with a second column (variable) indicating the original source column. Then we apply the boxplot(...) algorithm group-wise (by variable) to produce an ol column indicating an outlier. Then we set any value corresponding to ol == TRUE to NA. Then we re-convert to your original wide format with dcast(...) and remove the id.

It's a bit roundabout but this melt - process - dcast pattern is common when processing multiple columns like this.

Finally, na.omit(result) will remove any rows which have NA in any of the columns. If that's what you want it's simpler to use the first approach.

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