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Unable to cast object of type 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlParameter' to type 'MySqlC


I am trying to execute a stored procedure from MySql database in my ASP.Net core 5 API.

My Database context:

public class SharedDBContext : BaseDbContext
    #region Variables

    private readonly BaseUserContext _currentUserContext;

    #endregion Variables
    public SharedDBContext(DbContextOptions<SharedDBContext> options, BaseUserContext userContext) : base(options, userContext)
        this._currentUserContext = userContext;

    public void AddAuditTrail(int userAccountId, string actionName, bool isError, string description, string details)
        List<MySqlParameter> paramList = new List<MySqlParameter>();
        paramList.Add(new MySqlParameter("userAccountId", userAccountId));
        paramList.Add(new MySqlParameter("actionName", actionName));
        paramList.Add(new MySqlParameter("isError", isError));
        paramList.Add(new MySqlParameter("description", description));
        paramList.Add(new MySqlParameter("details", details));
        paramList.Add(new MySqlParameter("createdDate", DateTime.UtcNow));

        this.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw($"AuditTrail_INSERT @PARAMS", paramList);

My Services class is:

public class AuditTrailService : IAuditTrailService
    private readonly SharedDBContext _dBContext;

    public AuditTrailService(SharedDBContext dBContext)
        _dBContext = dBContext;

    public void AddAuditTrail(int userAccountId, string actionName, bool isError, string description, string details)
        _dBContext.AddAuditTrail(userAccountId, actionName, isError, description, details);

I made sure to dependency inject the services in the start up.

Finally, in my API, when I try calling the AddAuditTrail function, I get the following error:

{"Unable to cast object of type 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlParameter' to type 'MySqlConnector.MySqlParameter'."}

My Stored Procedure:

userAccountId int,
actionName VARCHAR(30),
isError TINYINT(1),
description VARCHAR(1024),
details VARCHAR(1024),
createdDate DATETIME(6)
    INSERT INTO base_auditTrail(
    UserAccountId, ActionName, IsError, Description, Details, 
    CreatedBy, ModifiedBy, CreatedDate, ModifiedBy, IsDeleted,
    DeletedDate, DeletedBy
    VALUES(userAccountId, actionName, isError, description, details, null, null, 
    createdDate, null, 0, null, null);

CodePudding user response:

MySqlParameter exists in 2 namespaces: MySql.Data.MySqlClient and MySqlConnector. You need the latter. Look at your using statements on the top of the file and replace using MySql.Data.MySqlClient; with using MySqlConnector;

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