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Build tree/linked list from a list of Objects


I am trying to build a tree like hierarchy from modules and their respective submodules, each module has a name, data, and a list of its submodules,

class module(object):
    name: str
    data: int
    submodules: list = field(default_factory=list)

def main():
    module1 = module("Module1", 1, ["Module2", "Module3"])
    module2 = module("Module2", 2, ["Module4"])
    module3 = module("Module3", 3, ["Module6", "Module7"])
    module4 = module("Module4", 4, ["Module5"])
    module5 = module("Module5", 5, )
    module6 = module("Module6", 6, )
    module7 = module("Module7", 7, )

    module_list = [module4, module2, module6, module1, module3, module5, module7] #This is just Example Data 

    for mod in module_list:
        for item in module_list:
            if mod.name in item.submodules:
                print(mod.name   " is submodule of "   item.name)

if __name__ == '__main__':

With this code I'm able to detect if something is a submodule of something else but I don't know how I am supposed to form the connections/build the data structure.

My desired output should look something like this:

├── module2
│   └── module4
│       └── module5
└── module3
    ├── module6
    └── module7

enter image description here

I tried using Anytree and Treelib to achieve this for an arbitrary amount of modules but I could not come up with a working solution. Although this problem looks simple (might not be) I just can not figure it out.


CodePudding user response:

Your data structure already represents a hierarchy, but you could also store the reference of a module's parent, and have a container class Hierarchy with which to facilitate access to functionality.

I would name the class Module with a capital M, and in submodules store references to Module instances instead of strings. The container Hierarchy class could act as a dictionary so to give access to Module instance by their name.

Here is a proposal:

class Module:
    def __init__(self, name: str, data: int, parent: 'Module' = None):
        self.name = name
        self.data = data
        self.parent = parent
        if parent:
        self.submodules = []

    def preorder(self, depth):
        yield self, depth
        for submodule in self.submodules:
            yield from submodule.preorder(depth   1)

class Hierarchy(dict):
    def __init__(self):
        self._root = Module("_root", None, None)
        self.toplevel = self._root.submodules
    def addmodule(self, name, data, submodulenames=None):
        if name in self:
            self[name].data = data
            self[name] = Module(name, data, self._root)
        for subname in submodulenames or ():
            if subname not in self:
                self[subname] = Module(subname, None, self[name])
                if self[subname].parent:
                self[subname].parent = self[name]

    def __iter__(self):
        for module in self.toplevel:
            yield from module.preorder(0)

You could build your input much like you did before:

    hierarchy = Hierarchy()
    hierarchy.addmodule("Module1", 1, ["Module2", "Module3"])
    hierarchy.addmodule("Module2", 2, ["Module4"])
    hierarchy.addmodule("Module3", 3, ["Module6", "Module7"])
    hierarchy.addmodule("Module4", 4, ["Module5"])
    hierarchy.addmodule("Module5", 5, )
    hierarchy.addmodule("Module6", 6, )
    hierarchy.addmodule("Module7", 7, )

Here are then some examples on how to use this hierarchy:

    print("Complete hierarchy:")
    for module, depth in hierarchy:
        print("  " * depth, module.name)
    print("Which is the parent of Module4?", 
    print("Which are the submodules of Module4?", 
            [m.name for m in hierarchy["Module4"].submodules])
    print("Which are the top level modules?", 
            [m.name for m in hierarchy.toplevel])

This will output:

Complete hierarchy:
which is the parent of Module4? Module2
which are the submodules of Module4? ['Module5']
which are the top level modules? ['Module1']
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