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how to combine 2 graphs - ggplot function in R


I want to combine these 2 graphs.

I want to see them in the same panel one on each other.

Plot 1 - shows the % of academics from the total job seekers.

Plot 2 - shows the % of woman seekers from the total job seekers. thanks for the help!

# PLOT 1
academic_plot <- ggplot(q1Subset, aes(MONTH, percAcademics))       
  stat_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x, geom = "smooth")     
  theme_minimal()   ggtitle("Percentage of Academic Seekers")   
  ylab("Academic Seekers (%)")   

# PLOT 2
women_plot <- ggplot(q1Subset, aes(MONTH, percWomen))              
  stat_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x, geom = "smooth")      
  theme_minimal()   ggtitle("Percentage of Women Seekers")  
  ylab("Women Seekers (%)")

CodePudding user response:

If you mean combining them on one grid, rawr's comment is helpful. However, if you mean combining them where you'd like to see a plot for the percentage of academic job seekers and highlighting the percentage of women, then I would suggest having one plot representing the percentage of academics from the total job seekers, and highlight that of women's with some colour. I cannot see your data, but I would assume there are percentages of men and women seekers. I would call it SeekersGender, and write the code below:

academic_plot <- ggplot(q1Subset, aes(MONTH, percAcademics))       
  geom_point(aes(colour = factor(SeekersGender)))                                      
  stat_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x, geom = "smooth")     
  theme_minimal()   ggtitle("Percentage of Academic Seekers")   
  ylab("Academic Seekers (%)")   

This shall give each gender a certain colour and show a legend of the genders and their perspective colours, as well as highlight the women points of the academic seekers.

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