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Linux under the easiest port forwarding to use tools


Linux under the easiest to use port forwarding tool
Website address: http://www.rinetd.com/
Software download
Wget http://www.rinetd.com/download/rinetd.tar.gz

Unpack the installation
The tar ZXVF rinetd. Tar. Gz
Make install

Edit the configuration
Vi/etc/rinetd. Conf 8080 8080 2222 3389
80 80
1. 2.
Explain ( native binding all the available address)
All will be sent to the native port 8080 forward requests to port 8080
All will be sent to the native port 2222 forward requests to port 3389
All will be sent to 2 80 port forward requests to the port 80

Start the program
Pkill rinetd # # close process
The/usr/sbin/rinetd forward # # start
Add this command to the/etc/rc. Local it can run automatically boot

Check the state of
Netstat antup

Need to pay attention to
1. Rinetd. Conf binding in the local port must not be taken up in other programs
2. Run rinetd system firewall should open the binding of local port
For example:
- A RH - Firewall - 1 - INPUT - m state - the state NEW -m TCP -p TCP -- dport 1111 - jACCEPT
- A RH - Firewall - 1 - INPUT - m state - the state NEW -m TCP -p TCP -- dport 2222 - jACCEPT
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