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Nesting bowls for shipping


Problem statement:
A company sells bowls of various integer sized diameters (inches) and often customers buy a number of these bowls at once. The company would like to reduce shipping costs by sending the minimum number of packages for an order of bowls to a given customer by finding an optimal nesting of the bowls. The company has also decided to restrict the nestings with the following limitations:

  • No more than 3 bowls should be nested in one nesting.
  • A bowl can be nested inside another if it's smaller but not more than 3 inches smaller than the bowl it's directly nested within.

For example, a customer orders the following bowl sizes:

  • One 5" bowl
  • One 8" bowl
  • Two 11" bowls
  • One 12" bowl
  • Two 15" bowls

The follow is a possible (and optimal) nesting: [15] [15,12,11] [11,8,5]

Is there an algorithm to always provide an optimal nesting?

I've looked through many similar questions here on stackoverflow and googled around, but can't find this exact problem, nor am I able to map any similar problems over to this problem space in a way that solves the problem.

This was actually posted in another forum by a real business owner. A number of the developers tried to help, ultimately finding a heuristic solution that provided an optimal solution most of the time but not always.

I can share the chosen algorithm one of the developers put forward as well as a few approaches I tried myself.

I'm just very curious about this problem and if there is an algorithm that can actually do this, or the best solution will be heuristic. If you can either give an idea of how to approach this, share an algorithm, or send a link to a similar problem that can be mapped to this one, that would be awesome.

CodePudding user response:

Yes, we can calculate an optimal nesting. As you presented, start with the bowls sorted in reverse order.


Assign the minimum number of starting bowls, corresponding to the count of the largest bowl.

[15] [15]

As we iterate element by element, the state we need to keep is the smallest bowl size and count in each container per index visited.

index 0, [(15, 1), (15, 1)]

(The state can be further refined to a multiset of those packages with identical count and smallest bowl size, which would add some complication.)

The choice for any element is which box (or set of boxes with similar state) to add it to or whether to start a new box with it.

index 1, [(15, 1), (12, 2)]
index 1, [(15, 1), (15, 1), (12, 1)]

We can explore these branches in an iterative or recursive breadth first search prioritised by the number of elements remaining plus the number of packages in the state, avoiding previously seen states.

We can further prune the search space by avoiding branches with the same or more count of packages than the best we've already seen.

This approach would amount to brute force in the sense of exploring all relevant branches. But hopefully the significant restrictions of package size and bowl size relationship would narrow the search space considerably.

CodePudding user response:

This can be solved with dynamic programming in polynomial time.

The idea is that we ONLY care about how many boxes there are total, and how many boxes there are of different top bowl sizes. We don't care about the details beyond that. This is a polynomial amount of state, and so we can track through the calculation and enumerate one arrangement per possible state in a polynomial time. We then reconstruct the minimal packing of bowls into boxes from that arrangement.

class Arrangement:
    def __init__(self, next_bowl, prev_arrangement=None):
        self.prev_arrangement = prev_arrangement
        self.add_rule = None
        self.open1 = {}
        self.open2 = {}
        self.next_bowl = next_bowl
        if prev_arrangement is None:
            self.boxes = 0
            for i in range(next_bowl, next_bowl   4):
                self.open1[i] = 0
                self.open2[i] = 0
            self.boxes = prev_arrangement.boxes
            for i in range(next_bowl, next_bowl   4):
                self.open1[i] = prev_arrangement.open1.get(i, 0)
                self.open2[i] = prev_arrangement.open2.get(i, 0)

    # This will be tuples of tuples.
    def state(self):
        open1 = (self.open1[i self.next_bowl] for i in range(4))
        open2 = (self.open2[i self.next_bowl] for i in range(4))
        return (open1, open2)

    def next_arrangements(self, bowl):
        base_arrangement = Arrangement(bowl, self)
        base_arrangement.boxes  = 1
        base_arrangement.add_rule = ("new",)
        old_count = self.open2.get(bowl, 0)
        base_arrangement.open2[bowl] = old_count   1
        yield base_arrangement

        for i in range(1, 4):
            if 0 < self.open1.get(bowl i, 0):
                next_arrangement = Arrangement(bowl, self)
                next_arrangement.open1[bowl i] -= 1
                next_arrangement.add_rule = ("open", 1, bowl i)
                yield next_arrangement

            if 0 < self.open2.get(bowl i, 0):
                next_arrangement = Arrangement(bowl, self)
                next_arrangement.open2[bowl i] -= 1
                next_arrangement.open1[bowl]  = 1
                next_arrangement.add_rule = ("open", 2, bowl i)
                yield next_arrangement

    def find_boxes(self):
        items = self._find_boxes()
        boxes = items["full"]
        for more_boxes in items["open1"].values():
        for more_boxes in items["open2"].values():

        return list(reversed(sorted(boxes)))

    def _find_boxes(self):
        if self.prev_arrangement is None:
            return {
                "full": [],
                "open1": {},
                "open2": {},
            items = self.prev_arrangement._find_boxes()
            rule = self.add_rule
            if rule[0] == "new":
                if self.next_bowl not in items["open2"]:
                    items["open2"][self.next_bowl] = [[self.next_bowl]]
            elif rule[0] == "open":
                if rule[1] == 1:
                    box = items["open1"][rule[2]].pop()
                elif rule[1] == 2:
                    box = items["open2"][rule[2]].pop()
                    if self.next_bowl not in items["open1"]:
                        items["open1"][self.next_bowl] = [box]
            return items
    def __str__ (self):
        return str(self.boxes)   "  open1:"   str(self.open1)   "  open2:"   str(self.open2)

def bowl_nesting (bowls):
    bowls = list(reversed(sorted(bowls))) # Largest to smallest.
    start_arrangement = Arrangement(bowls[0])

    arrange = {start_arrangement.state(): start_arrangement}
    for bowl in bowls:
        next_arrange = {}
        for state, arrangement in arrange.items():
            for next_arrangement in arrangement.next_arrangements(bowl):
                state = next_arrangement.state
                if state in next_arrange and next_arrange[state].boxes <= next_arrangement.boxes:
                    pass # We are not an improvement.
                    next_arrange[next_arrangement.state()] = next_arrangement
        arrange = next_arrange

    min_boxes = len(bowls)
    min_box_list = None
    for arrangement in arrange.values():
        if arrangement.boxes <= min_boxes:
            min_boxes = arrangement.boxes
            min_box_list = arrangement.find_boxes()

    return min_box_list

print(bowl_nesting([15, 15, 12, 11, 11,8,5]))
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